Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Christ consciousness and the path of initiation

Introduction :

Due to the acceleration of the closure of planetary cycles has been given to humanity, as collectively, the divine dispensation to carry out the fastest evolution that no race have ever experienced.

Still, in this historical evolution of human design, each phase of spiritual initiation must be carried out by each can be and is not in any way that this is avoided.

That is why we are encouraged to review this path of initiation in order to focus our personal goals and align them with the next stages of development toward our ultimate goal to understand and embody the Christ consciousness.

We make this effort to unite our energies deeper, keeping our focus firmly anchored and unified as we progress in group formation.

This review aims to provide intelligent understanding of the progressive initiation and monitored is absolutely necessary to advance to other levels of consciousness expansion.

Keeping acceleration contained in a safe and prevent any possible misuse of power.

The profound changes we are all experiencing are essentially the result of the path of initiation.

Christ consciousness is a harmonious group

When we evaluate our life and delve into this area called spiritual initiation in particularly in this incarnation, we began to realize that our experiences have never been about being single.

Everything we have has to do with the group plan and is part of the requirements necessary to support or to help the human race to evolve.

In this great process of synthesis that occurs now our individuality, as we have lived,
is rapidly dissolving.

As we approach more and more into Christ consciousness, which is purely a harmonious group, we are placing less emphasis on the need for recognition as an individual expression.

We found that individuality is another illusion, a tiny reflection of our inclusiveness within a more expansive spectrum in the energy field.

In essence, we are a conglomerate of many energies and issues comprise monadic tree of our family life.

Our personalities are not real.

Our emotions, our minds, our bodies and our etheric natures are not real, they are mere instruments constantly changing.

The only real and lasting substance is that part of our consciousness vibrating tone pristinely a group.

Everything is to remember our origins and we have been stellar from another linelong time no ... eternal light.

We do not have to work hard to evolve.

We are already evolved.

We are pure and holy by our very nature.

This is to remember that we are part of a cosmic cast acting roles that we have chosen in the great drama.

Our script is completely eradicate the karmic time line so that there is no negative residue.

We are preparing for the birth of a new star and race Avatar.

Our mission to maintain a physical form that contains time codes within our dna is a brilliant manifestation of the divine plan to ensure our return.

We are here and now to trace the paths of light, to anchor a new timeline for the next civilization.

By ourselves we do nothing, it is God within us who does the work!

Definition of initiation

Initiation is the result of a gradual expansion of consciousness, a process by which carry out the successive stages of unification.

This implies the renunciation of all reactions to separation in a progressive series of resignations.

Initiation is the result not only of consciousness, but self control and mastery.

It's a new level of awareness that is achieved and experienced as the result of right thinking, action and service, which then allows us to work at a higher level of the spiral, as we move into the next phase of our evolution.

During this trip, we literally we submit to the transfiguration of our entire vehicle body and energy system, on the way to the release of the third dimension and terrestrial magnetism of polarized matter.

The holiness of character is the result of a major expansion of consciousness that we get by our conscious commitment, dedication and commitment in the way.

All our previous initiations have been guarded by members of the planetary spiritual hierarchy including the great host of ascended masters, those who have walked the path before us.

Our next initiations, as we continue moving in and through the Christ consciousness, are guided by our monadic source.

The creator of the path of Initiation Sanat Kumara is the great cosmic being that established the path of initiation as the safest and quickest way to spiritual evolution.

Known as the originator of the one, Sanat Kumara has held the position of the planetary logos and now mr. ruler of the world from the darkest hours of the history of the earth, when human evolution lost all contact with the golden flame on the inside and cosmic councils were considering the dissolution of the earth.

As a voluntary exile on the planet Venus, Sanat Kumara came to our planet behind millions of years ago to sustain and keep the flame of creation in the hearts of mankind and until a sufficient number awoke to his true nature.

He has been able to keep the world together through your consciousness and cohesive power of love magnetic holder which makes human evolution possible.

Experiencing the initiation

Our daily life is the stage of initiation and gradual mastery of self that gives us control over the material.

Due to the acceleration in the closure of planetary cycles, initiations are experienced during sleep ... even during states of sleep and soul travel to various ashrams etheric higher learning.

The requirements on the Path of Initiation have had to change due to changes in the the human collective consciousness.

Unlike the past, we now have divine dispensations that provide greater support from the other side of the veil, including the intervention of a long list of stellar cosmic beings and nations that encourage the human race forward and upward.

We further support through the new energy grid system of land called the planetary crystalline grid of Christ consciousness, which serves as a superhighway of information for greater intelligence sharing light.

We are also supported through the unified intention of millions of souls embodied all experiencing the planetary initiation at the same time!

Due to the very different and varied life plans in the terrestrial scheme, each of us goes through the path of initiation into unique forms and processes.

There are only guidelines and general descriptions of each of the stages of initiation.

It is very common for these initiations are not carried out exactly in a row, one after another.

Some of them occur simultaneously in unison, especially in regard to the first three initiations.

It is very common for these initiations are not carried out exactly in a row, one after another.

Some of them occur simultaneously in unison, especially in regard to the first three initiations.


Initiation comes naturally to anyone who is experiencing the desire to evolve your consciousness ... to learn, change, grow and understand life more fully.

There are five major planetary initiations that lead to the culmination of consciousness Christlike.

Each initiation represents a definite stage of integration achieved by the initiated and each of these five initiations is a synthesis of many minor initiations.

We move through all the sublevels to complete this initiation.

During the first three initiations, must be achieved mastery of the three lower vehicles and firmly held before further expansion of initiated at higher levels is permitted safely.

There is a great need for purification of the vehicle body to allow the body to integrate higher energy levels and frequencies of light.

These first three levels of initiation are referred to as the trail of evidence and are the preparatory stages to the Christ consciousness.

In the Fourth Initiation, the initiate has nothing left to resonate with the three worlds (physical, emotional, mental) of human evolution and begins the absorption process monadic.

Our goal is reached when, in the fifth initiation, we hold as a teacher released embody the Christ consciousness and monadic union with our source.
There are a number of skills associated with different stages of development as a result of opening our energy centers and extrasensory perceptions.

Initiations may resemble tests require approval to ensure that we do not consciously or unconsciously misuse the skills revealed.

The initiation process always involves a circle of perfection, no matter the stage where we are.

First Initiation

Initiation of Birth

Master of the Physical Body

The physical body is the first to cross the purification.

It is the result of the birth of the Christ consciousness in the heart and spiritual orientation to life.

We are led towards the path of Initiation, eventually, for our own soul, through the process of self contemplation.

Through this research, the soul is aligning itself with your vehicle, the human flesh.

The Christ is born and the soul brings its energy to carry in their vehicles until the person gradually becomes infused soul and finally begins his journey of initiation.

If the ego takes control over the physical body is gained high-level achievements.

Reached the basis of right living, right thinking and self-control.

The desires of the body, such as food, sleep, sexual urges, drug addictions and carnal desires, no longer control the person anymore.

They exist in moderation, regulated and controlled by the soul.

Some basic principles of divine consciousness also begin to regulate the initiate.

Will demonstrate the purity of motives a spirit of love and goodwill.

You will see a new more comprehensive approach that includes all human beings and the desire to serve will become strong.

As a result of physical elemental control, will manifest greater creativity.

The lower centers are motivated and driven by higher impulses.

There is recognition of our shortcomings.

They know the struggle to conform to higher standards, even when you can not achieve perfection.

Servers in light of the planet can be seen many showing signs of gone through the experience of "birth".

Our responsibility is to help them achieve greater maturity.

The help and guidance will strengthen our mission by creating a shift in consciousness that paves the way for the return of the Christ consciousness on a mass scale.

Most of the servers light the world have gone through this stage of initiation.

The races of the third world are still generally polarized physically, responding to a "herd instinct".

Their experiences reflect the physical suffering, cruelty and lack of understanding evolution of the mass.

Through his suffering and concern for people and nations of the world they may be raised.

Second Initiation

The Baptism of Purification

Mastery of Emotional Body / Astral

The Second Initiation is manifest in the astral body control of our emotions.

Said to be the longest and most difficult of the initiations.

There is a realization of life's problems, a deep dissatisfaction and an agonizing realization of the failures.

There is an ongoing effort to "Wipe yourself"

The sacrifice and death of the ego desire driver is the goal of this initiation.

The lower nature is dying rapidly along with the old attitudes, beliefs and desires.

It is a period of intense suffering to see much glamor, fantasy and false ideals held.

This is the stage that many experience as "dark nights of the soul."

The Second Initiation is related to great sacrifices, the death of negativity and negative desires.

When started, caught in these traps, we ask you release yourself from the emotional bonds.

The emotional energies are gradually ceasing to monitor and impact the calls started and all that remains of that aspect of our being loaded is a sensitive response to all forms of life and a passionate desire to serve the race.

The output of the dirt and mud from the emotions of many is being assisted by the principle of the divine feminine that is sweeping the globe, serving as a force dissipating the energy of global glamor.

In the Second Initiation, we are guaranteed the vision of a greater focus.

Our place in a larger whole begins to be known.

We long to serve, love and progress.

Freedom and its consequences are the keynote of the individual facing the second initiation and are preparing for the third Initiation.

The vehicle astral body is more powerfully developed from the human form.

Most people are dominated by its activity.

The master Djwhal Khul has written that the greatest service we can give the world is to control the astral vehicle.

The planet is being released from the glamor in an enormous degree.

The astral plane itself is being greatly relieved and humanity is being instantaneously released from its domain.

Third Initiation

"The Transfiguration"

Master the Mental Body

Merging with the Soul

As the mists of the glamor of the astral plane must be dispelled, just have to be dissolved the illusions of the mind.

The process from the second to the third

Initiation is to control the mind and free ourselves of the illusions that hold.

We learn to control our mental vehicle.

This is the first real initiation, from the perspective of the spiritual hierarchy and is one in which we demonstrate complete control of the body of the personality.

This is the great transfiguration when we become divine, making the transition from emotional aspirational approach towards a thinking, intelligent.

The goal of all development is the awakening of divine intuition.

We became a soul-infused personality.

This means that the soul itself assumes the dominant position and no longer does the ego vehicle.

The mind is very sensitive to the ideas, insights and impulses that come from the soul and began to receive direct guidance of the monad.

Kundalini energy released up the spine, opens the third eye and the accumulation of spiritual knowledge is done very quickly.

When the physical body is pure, stable and constant emotional and mental bodies are controlled, the initiate can drive safely and wisely use psychic powers to help the breed.

Not only can we use these powers, but we encourage ways of thinking that are clear, sharp, pulsating with the spirit of service and without being controlled by the lower mind and emotional desires.

We achieve greater understanding of the principles of God-consciousness.

We found that our greater truth than lies in another dimension.

We are thinking more broadly and more comprehensive.

The group begins to mean more to us than ourselves.

We are identified with the soul that is the single soul of all mankind.

We become polarized in the higher mental plane, as we no longer identify with our personal identity, not with old habits and interests of the world.

We lost interest in worldly affairs except with regard to our obligations and responsibilities.

Working entirely with evolution, we live in the world but not of it.

We maintain a total commitment to our personal mission in God's plan and the realization of oneness with humanity, in whose service we devote our life.

Personality has now reached a point where the vibrations are of a very high order.

Now is when we can be authentically, directly contacted by the teacher, because we are purified, controlled and we can endure, for the first time consciously vibrate, the ray of the monad.

In this third Initiation, many of us are now working on continued mastery of the three bodies, perfecting and refine constantly.

The Initiate of the 3rd level becomes aware of himself as a soul with the powers of the soul, the soul's relationship and the soul's purpose.

Is the group of which we become conscious.

We no longer have individual ambitions or individual interests, and we're not in any way interested in the purposes of our personality.

In the interim between the first three initiations, be achieved and firmly hold the mastery of the three lower vehicles before allowing further expansion started in safe and higher stages.

The Third Initiation is a high state of evolution, however, it also comes with
much pain, suffering and sacrifice.

The initiate accepts it better though, knowing that the road is both the path of sacrifice and that of inner peace.

We stand with our feet on the ground and our lives are intelligently applied to the service at each level.

The Fourth Initiation

"The Crucifixion ~ The Great Renunciation"

Spiritual Self Mastery

Operating from the Buddhist background of unity consciousness

The fourth initiation refers to "the crucifixion" because of the great renunciation of the material plane and all human attachments.

We've put everything on the altar of sacrifice, even our personality perfected.

We have given up all attachments, including friends, money, reputation, character, family and even ourselves.

The initiate has nothing left to remind the three worlds (physical, emotional, mental) of human evolution.

When we take the fourth initiation, we operate on the Buddhist plan of unity consciousness, having completely missed the personality that does not pass through the eye of the needle.

All development evolved in our planetary system is based on the resolution of karma until we reach this initiation.

This is the stage where we truly in a "peace that passeth understanding", leaving behind suffering.

All personal selfishness is overcome.

No more sacrifices to make.

We began to develop God-consciousness, consciousness of the monad, which is essentially the embodiment of the present group I am.

Also known as the initiation of absorption monadic, the fourth Initiation is the phase of total surrender to the will of God and the monad which frees the individual from the control material respect.

Direct contact is updated between the monad and body-personality transcended.

The Antahkarana is built.

These high spiritual energies are poured into us and through us, radiating toward the intended objectives of the divine plan.

The personality becomes a direct instrument of service under the direction of the monad, which surrounds the soul.

Consequently, the soul becomes redundant, so it burns and is re-absorbed by the monad.

The Power of God becomes our teacher and guide, and not the soul.

Once we are in the process of absorption, the monad begins to enter the car body-personality transcended, as well as awareness, connecting with the heart chakra.
We start to express prominently the monadic ray source itself.

Spiritual formation is enhanced and the accumulation of knowledge is fast.

This is the phase, 11 in which we are accepted in fraternities closer to the light board, and contact with the devas vaulting, is deeper.

Intellectually understand the laws of the three lower planes and also adapt them to help the planet divine plan.

Develop multidimensional.

Experience directly the unit.

We can automatically and effectively command and handle the sacred fire.
Learn to direct the activities of the devas vaulting as command elements.

We became experts on the meaning of geometry, color and sound.

We are in charge of a huge work, teaching and helping countless people simultaneously in many facets of the divine plan.

Our experiences of the past are discarded.

The past has served its purpose, leaving us with masterful wisdom gained through direct experience.

One whom we refer to as Jesus Christ came into this world as a human pupil
consummated started the third grade.

He did not have to go through the first, second and third initiation.

Debuted at the inauguration of the fourth Initiation (the crucifixion) and passed through it in perfect physical reality.

This was done in order to dramatize the idea of ​​renunciation and the importance of this stage of initiation in which one renounces all kinds of personal identification.

It is the fourth initiation in which we can overcome the physical world of matter.

It has no attraction.

We can give up everything, because we have died to our lower nature.

We have given up all our human life to a higher God I can emerge.

Finally, we have the purity of authentic power to bless and evolve the human race.

This brings us to the last, fifth initiation, we will make it into the consciousness

Christ incarnate.

Fifth Initiation

"The Resurrection"

Dominion over matter

Consolidation of the monad and I atmic

The fifth initiation is known esoterically as the resurrection and demonstrates a total lack of response to the attraction of matter.

The Fifth Initiation is the point of development where our human self and the monad are fully integrated.

Our personal will has become one with the divine.

The incarnate Christ consciousness is updated and fully supported as we return to the monad, and we merge with the group I am, while retaining a physical "body of light."

This is the achievement of fifth-dimensional consciousness, which is characterized by the experience of absolute unity.

We have the full understanding that we are the monad, an aspect of God's strength, or the self God's presence I am, containing all the individual expressions be multidimensional.

We also know that monad is another name given to the group avatar, the group I am.

Completely free ourselves of all illusions.

We understand and we update our unity with the divine plan.

We have risen, which makes us masters of the earth plane.

We controlled ourselves and our lower nature, and triumphing over matter.

We are free from the law of karma.

We have developed such a mastery of thought that we have no negative unconscious desires.

We are not even able to have negative thoughts, and all the energy that is transmitted from the source is classified by divine act consistently.

We have spiritualized both our body and its energy system, you no longer need to incarnate in a planetary body, except if the decision is to serve the divine plan.

We are all working in cooperation with teachers of wisdom.

Divine love and intelligence have now been developed, radiating and expanding more and more.

We are highly tuned and extremely sensitive to a broad range of influences and energies, thanks to our growing polarization monadic and contact with beings and

Light tips that monitor evolution of the earth.

The Resurrection is the main goal for humanity.

This is the elevation of matter into a fifth dimension of spiritualized consciousness.

This essentially means that everyone on the new earthly body will be human-divine and teachers released.

The fifth Initiation is the definition of the race I am.

After the fifth initiation, a higher form of evolution is now a decision point in which other higher initiations may be taken.

The sixth initiation is that ascended masters and starting the earth plane.

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