Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The plot of mu template and the activation of the eighth solar disk : channel opening

We are now in the Eighth Solar Disk!

Since we began this work in the last December of 2.011 we have traveled each of our chakras reactivating Sun Disks that will allow us to create anchor points in the Workforce UM Solar in our bodies, allowing us to sync with the flow of interdimensional Light and the Ray Synchronizer is being radiated by the Great Central Sun in the face of 12.12.12.

Once activated the 13 Sun Discs in our bodies we will become the diamantine cup able to receive the UM Solar template in our bodies and cells, allowing us to reconnect and revive our old memories and ancient wisdom housed within.

The UM Solar template corresponds to a lattice of light and information that flows through the Christic Red Planet since the time of Lemuria and is composed by 144, 000 Light Codes. 

Turn is intertwined and is supported by the Planetary Sun Disks that have been guarded by the Ancient Tribes of the Planet and the 144 Anchor Points and openness, represented in the 144 pyramids scattered around the planet.

From the time of Lemuria, are distributed throughout the planet 144 pyramids that gradually will be revealed. 

Many of these Pyramids were hidden among the forests and jungles of the planet, since the Pyramids were once used as portals and access points to the Solar Template Library Mu and multidimensional living on Earth.

In the Age of Lemuria, the Pyramids were really octahedron (two pyramids joined at the base) whose male part (upright pointing skyward) remained on the surface and the feminine (inverted pointing towards the Earth's core) remained in the depths of the Earth.

This enabled portals create cosmic alignment, keeping the flow of information and frequency from the Universe to Earth and vice versa.

Therefore, the Crystal Rainbow of our heart is a Octahedral Crystal, it is our anchor point information and form through which we connect with Earth and the SUN.

Uniting the Masculine and feminine in our hearts. 

As the energy template that holds the body of Light into our physical body is also an octahedron.

The Octahedron is a geometry that allows us to align our awareness and understanding with the cosmic consciousness.

For that reason, at the time which have enabled the 13 Sun Discs realinearemos us and reactivate the UM Solar Template holding in our energy field through the octahedron and simultaneously across the entire planet will activate the octahedral Anchor Points Solar Template Mu.

The synchronicities are showing in all of Us. Surely many of you in your meditations are beginning to see the octahedra Planetary and various geometric shapes.

The Light Body of Mother Earth is being activated and thus our bodies are reactivated. The veils are falling every day.

Sun Disk Eight : Enabling the interior sun.

This time, the Eighth Solar Disk was activated by two Codes of Light: Portal Flower Crystal and Cooperation.

We have so far enabled us Portales Indoor synchronized with the Elements and the Consciousness of Natural Realms of the Earth, allowing us to revive our connection to life and the inherent wisdom of Mother Earth.

This allows our bodies to activate circuits that are capable of sustaining the flow of information Galactic through our bodies and consciousness.

By reactivating the portals of the elements as expressed in our chakras Sun Disc, we reconnect to the Living Library, and consequently the infinite network and information flowing Life on Earth as crystalline veins.

This month we begin the process of opening channels over which we will receive the activation Template UM Solar Light in our bodies and thus, receive the information for the reopening of the Living Library in our bodies, activating the template total of the elements and the connection to earth.

When you wake from now on premium channels, begin to realign the new flow has infinite, universal framework allowing us to receive our consciousness inexhaustible flow of Cosmic Light that will allow us to reconnect with our multidimensionality.

Reactivate our bodies.
Reactivated memory.
We recover our Master.

Crystal Portal : Connecting with the Kingdom Crystal and Crystal Sun Internal Activation in Pineal Gland and Pituitary

This activation is performed through the CRYSTAL PORTAL Eighth Sun Disk, allowing us to connect to the Crystal Kingdom of Earth composed of the ether and Planetary crystals.

Crystalline Realm teaching corresponds to the spontaneous Simultaneity of the here and now.

Both the ether and the crystals are conductors Earth multidimensional information in connection with all the cosmic pathways through which flow the frequencies in the Universe.

Crystals of the Earth contain luminous fibers that act as micro-cells of information, capable of receiving and transmitting information in a multidimensional way through multiple pathways.

When we activate our connection to the Crystal Kingdom received the teaching of spontaneous simultaneity, that in us is manifested as the ability to connect and be aware of various dimensional planes at a time, this capability multidimensional crystal is contained in Pineal Gland us in our and pituitary.

Through the connection you establish with the Eighth Solar Disk that will be activated through the Codes of Light crystal portal flower of cooperation will make an internal opening of the first anchor point, which we call "Inner Sun" which Crystalline awaken our consciousness.

The Sun is etherically Interior in the center of our brain is composed of a multidimensional etheric crystal prism shaped multifascetadet that unifies and connects to the pineal and pituitary glands.

In turn, within the Rainbow Crystal is a small infinity-shaped channel that enables the flow of information through both glands.

The pineal gland in connection with the Crystal Sun Interior is responsible for receiving the waves of information, Light and Sound of the Universe from entering us through our higher chakras.

Pituitary in connection with the Crystal Sun Interior is responsible for decoding and translating in understanding, information and wisdom all that the pineal gland receives, allowing us to act as channels of information and awareness as conscious co-creators.

Re allowing access to information contained in the ether holographic Planetarium and reconnecting with the United Lens.

Solar Disk the flower of cooperation

Resetting the connection between both glands through Activation of the Crystal Sun Internal and Channel Infinite opens the first upper channel allows us to receive information and interpret it correctly through the feeling and insight.

This channel is coming in through our crown. Responsible for directing the information manifested as Ray Crystal Color to the Sun Interior and allows us to reconnect with the higher planes multidimensionally.

In turn, the channel extends through our third eye, allowing us to radiate the decoded information and boost co-creations through the quantum field.

This activation is performed through the Solar Disk Eighth flower of cooperation.

Since this code carries the sequence information, light and sound than reactive in our Galactic Interior Memories that allow us to reconnect with our mission, purpose and service.

This corresponds to the fall of the leaflets, at which time begins to make the invisible visible through the vision and inner feeling.

We are living in intense times of rapid changes that are experienced at interior.

It's time to reconnect and open up our channels for our body of Light in each of our cells and chakras!

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