Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Activation of the ninth solar disk of Mu

The Um Solar Template : activation of the Ninth Chakra Solar Disk Crown and the 144 Points of Light on dna.

Move towards the Sun Disc Ninth Activation!

Gradually we approach to the crossing of the Galactic Portal 12.12.12 and as we approach the energies accelerate more and more, intensifying their internal processes and external projection through the reflection of our reality.

Throughout the year we were leaving layer after layer of our old skins.

As the sunlight was anchored in our bodies through our Chakras Solar Records, old burdens and scars were giving off one by one, showing irrefutable reality of our divine nature and in turn, showing everything from the front that which requires an internal change to align with our Light.

From the beginning of the year 2.012 was marked by the frequency of internal loyalty and all that does not correspond to our true essence light was being thrown to the outside through experiences in our reality and marked through as well, feelings and internal processes.

This month we have moved now to the activation of the Ninth Sun Disc placed in our crown, which from next month we will jump into the higher octaves and begin working with Sun Disc placed in the upper chakras, a process that culminated the 12.12.12 when we cross the Great Gate Galactic we move fully into the Photon Band, receiving the full impact of the Galactic beam emanated from the Great Central Sun that will impact all of our cells and elevating them to awakening consciousness.

The UM Solar Template glows in the Christ Grid of the Planet, evoking the ancient Lemurian times, synchronizing all of the 144, 000 Planetary Light Codes.

Those of us who were synchronizing our bodies and consciousness with the frequency we were able to recover little by little parts of ourselves that had been lost in space time.

We rebuild, we reconnect, we are in an irreversible path to the Light!

The UM Solar Template anger revealing your information as we align with it.

And gradually the powers are prepared to receive the Great Gate 12.12.12 Galactic and anchor the 144, 000 Solar Frequencies expressed in the Codes of Light on the big day went off in a Galactic Symphony of Love and Light in reactivating Solar Template us to reconnect with our Divine Essence across the planet.

Activation of the Ninth Sun Disc: Aligning Solar Christ-Consciousness and the 144 Points of Light on DNA

 By integrating the wisdom and strength of Mother Earth through the activation of portals and the Elements kundalini energy we have prepared our bodies to receive the Christ-template in each of our cells and DNA.

This time we will work on the Solar Disk housed within our Crown Chakra in our DNA to reactivate the receptor points of light that we reconnected and aligned with the Universal Christic frequency.

Our dna functions similarly to the vocal sound.

It can receive and transmit frequency throughout our body and consciousness radiating resonant pulses literally our dna moves, dance and active through the frequency the same way as a musical instrument.

Light frequencies and move through each filament impacting our dna to be raised by promoting awareness through their recovery.

Our dna contained within 144 points is resonant, which in turn act as receptor sites of the rays of light coming from our network and at Christ-anchored receptor sites in the 144 is allowed to flow information and consciously through Light each Ser

The loss of consciousness, memory and connection with Christ-Consciousness was due largely to the close energy of those receiving 144 points contained in our dna that caused the shutdown of our whole generándonos a state of consciousness that can only see and perceive the plane around him.

Dna holds the key to multidimensional consciousness and it must be cleaned and activated before it can reconectarle with Christ-Consciousness, because otherwise the duality consciousness continued to fluctuate as they do not have the 144 points activated receptor dna is not capable of supporting the entire frequency Christic.

Thus, the dna serves as a resonance box, the filaments act in the same way as the strings of an instrument, moving with the information that consciousness is capable of processing, so that, as the consciousness wakes up in Love and Light dna is able to process more information and the filaments begin to resonate in its entirety.

This time we will work to revive the 144 Points receptors through the Code "CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS SOLAR ALIGNMENT" this code work by activating the ninth Sun Disc content in our crown.

This Solar Disc is the guardian of the Gate of the dna and allow us to create a base of resonance and frequency that will create the opening to the light of each of the 144 points receptors.

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