Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Family of Light

It is an honor to share with you this time of great movements and changes, both internally in every heart and externally on our planet.

As you recall, last month received in connection with the Southern Right Whales of Argentina, the instructions to align with the web of life that all living beings on the planet have created.

This network will solidify the process of global change buoyancy and allows us to remain online through continuous service.

All life on Earth in conjunction with the elements and elemental guardians are holding high vibrational frequencies in love as a co-create together the healing of life on earth and restore the flow to the collective consciousness of the planet can benefit of solar cosmic rays that are coming Through promoting solar flares awakening and ascension.

We are happy to share these times together, but we know that there is much for which to work and when it is in the now, everyday, every moment and every moment.

Great moves, changes and news are coming bright these days.

The Rift energy that was created in the Pacific Ocean has been repaired!

Whale love mother appreciates the work we have done together.

Now we continue to work with the web of life, holding the healing of the planet and raising awareness.
This month we will focus on healing and reconnection of the water element.

A Over the years, particularly in recent months have seen the extensive damage that man has done to the planet's waters Through the search for oil with the irradiation of ultrasonic waves.

Also the water element and elemental guardians have shown us what they are injured because of a human being and as a result of that damage many parts of the world who are living droughts and forest fires.

Over time humans began to forget that there are these beautiful beings.

We have forgotten that we can work together to maintain health in love and life on the planet.

Product of that failure humans began to hurt the earth and in turn to be afraid of the manifestations of nature, then gradually lost communication with the elemental realms and thus broke the connection that kept order and harmony.

On earth each element has a network formed by the elemental guardians and each element has a basic guide or elohim which is responsible for sustaining the consciousness of everyone else.

While there are no hierarchical levels as such, if a guardian who is responsible for sustaining, heal and guide small guards who guard the forests, mountains, rivers, lakes, trees, winds and fires.

When connecting with the guards elohim of each element, they lovingly allow us to connect to the guardians of nature.

This time we will work in connection with the elohim of the waters.

Personally this elohim custody and inhabits the world's oceans and next working custodians guardians of lakes, rivers, lakes and seas.

The elemental guardians and the elohim that holds them in his consciousness are an essential part of the collective consciousness of the earth.

All together, humans, animals, elementary settle this great living body that is Gaia.

The elohim are dedicated to creating and sustaining life under the guidance of Mother Earth.

Are high dimensional beings of consciousness that exist in multiple planes simultaneously.

The elohim are beings of the twelfth dimension in his conscience support the collective consciousness of the elementals such as fairies, goblins, nymphs and guardians of the sacred trees, mountains, rivers and seas.

Every tree, every plant is cared for by a guardian and each guardian elemental is guided by the particular elohim each item.

Therefore, there is elohim water, air, fire and earth.

In the ancient times of Lemuria, humans remained in deep connection and communication with the elemental realms, allowing us to establish brotherhood alliance to create rain or wind when needed.

You could say that humans were masters of the elements.

The elementary willingly worked together with humans and therefore, the land was fertile, rain always fed the fields, the fire was lit himself when needed and off when purification was not needed most.

Those were glorious times of harmony on earth.

As we approach the portal 12.12.12 needs to be restored again into that order between man and the elements, because we are part of the same consciousness and all are nourished and sustained by the loving heart of Mother Gaia lens.

Through the web of life together for us entrelazaremos irradiarle our love and gratitude to the elements and elementals.

Work together to heal our connection with the element water and bring rain to where it is needed.

To do this we will focus on new account sustain our individual fractal network, and interleave radiate throughout the planet with all servers in the cetacean family light and light!

The planetary frequency has taken a big leap.

Big changes are happening in the world, the hearts and minds are opening up.

The planetary resonance increases with each sunrise.

It is time for each of you to hear the truth from his heart.

It's time to align the flow of evolving consciousness that is coming to the planet.

It's time to create inner peace, deep silence, unconditional love and understanding.

Bring your hands to your heart, feel its beat.

Listen to the voice emanating from deep within his being and raise their consciousness into the deep peace.

Rise to the peace, love, the infinite stream of consciousness is entering solar at this time the planet.

It is time that each of you feel radiating from deep shades of peace and love that will open the doors to the new consciousness.

It's simple, profound peace, focus on your heart.

At the heart lies the timeless sacred space and multidimensional containing the entire life in a single click.

Get rid of anything that is a burden.

Get rid of what causes them pain and sorrow, you choose how to live life.

Each has the choice to react to the circumstances of life from the love and connection with your heart that high is aligned with your divine plan.

Or from the fear through the resonance of the ego that distorts the inner vision.

By raising every circumstance of life to love, expressing the intention to receive the learning that you are giving the circumstances, you give yourself the opportunity to tune into you divine plan.

Therefore, it is important for the vibration of the planet rather than being victims of circumstances remember that they are divine creators.

Asking to see the learning that each situation shows them, you are empowered.

Ask for peace and be peace.

The seeds of change are flourishing in the hearts of all mankind.

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