

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Our bodies in times of change

Some people wonder daily about physical and energetic changes we are experiencing with the new energies that are coming into our atmosphere and our land.

Articles have been written and channeled materials many of which have made us the certainty that we have felt at least one of the symptoms described therein.

They have been called many things, ascension symptoms, changes in vibration syndrome mutant ... anyway.

All point to the same thing, physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and energy equals change in consciousness.

However, these changes are not all unpleasant or uncomfortable, there are some changes that make us feel joyful, static and here we will name them.

After the opening of the gates 11:11, with changes in the sun and the influence of the photon belt have appeared some new phenomena that many people describe unexplained.

It is lifting the veil? Are we beginning to see the unseen, the invisible?

I offer here some of which I have experienced personally or in groups and other clients referred by my query.

Classified into three types.

The least discussed or energy, the physical and the mental and emotional.

Let's start with those energetic experiences:

Meeting with people of the same soul group.

We meet a person or persons with whom we felt totally connected or blended.

Feeling open heart, a lot of emotion and desire or merge with others.

This can result in large groups.

Someone told me it was like making love with many people at once.

Meeting with twins of the same beam.

We met one person in our same vibration, no words are needed to communicate, stablecemos telepathic communication, love, no commitment, we care about your personal history, there is a total acceptance, do not set agendas or strategies, flowing at the time.

We are physically generated an energy that others notice something like electricity.

Pleasant dreams, bright.

We woke up with the feeling of being in a very beautiful and wonderful beings, we remember with great detail the location, nature is lush and beautiful, there are colored lights, glass, gold, platinum ... sometimes we get very clear messages , others simply feel loving and joyful energy.

We wake up happy, feeling lasts the day.

Visualization energy.

We see floating around colored spheres,

Orbs or geometry of light, we see flashes of light in the aura of others.

Others see the heart chakra with tantric mandala illuminated triangle in the chest or the third eye with indigo.

This is increasingly common and many people have reported in my consultations and groups.

Numbers teachers.

Everything flows synchronously, we go out.

Traffic lights all green, there is always room for our vehicle.

Watches marked 11.11 3:33 2:22 4:44 to 5:55, the license plates with numbers also teachers.

We think we need to fix something and the solution is presented alone.
We think we want someone to call or see and it appears to us.
Everything flows in sync, we are like water, angels are present.

Trust that all is well.

Attitude of observation.
See external reality and despite what we see internally remain confident that all is well, feeling of absolute certainty.

Viewing and feeling that everything melts around.

The common reality begins to vibrate and becomes transparent, everything seems alive.
Very strong feeling of unity, no separation in these vibrational states, our body vibrates with everything. Ecstasy.

Unconditional love for everyone and everything, need to thank.
Our hearts are open and we are loving it all.
Tears are skipped for anything and feel vulnerable but calm.
Everything is divine, everything is sacred.

Aromas of roses and other flowers.

The realization of the presence of the Divine Mother, the angels and many other sensitive teachers, give us this gift the manifestation of its aroma, often when we are in group meditation or healing.
The balsam scent allows us to focus and relajemos.
It breaks the rational structures, skepticism and makes us think of the miracles.

Spontaneous ecstatic experiences.

In our physical body unexpectedly gives us a sense of well being, our Kundalini wanders throughout the body and gives us much pleasure.
Not always know how or what it produces.
I can only tell you enjoy it!. Single Ecstasy.

Now list some of the physical symptoms are not so nice, especially when they happen we are not at the center and we have lost confidence that all is well, is part of growing from one to another dimension, is a pendulum until we return to the center:

Electric tingling sensation throughout the body.

The energy is flowing in your body differently and more intense, it seems that thousands of soreness you are clicking simultaneously or alternately, especially in the arms and legs, back and spine, is the Kundalini awakening.

The best thing here is not to resist but let you feel the feeling and let it flow, deep breathing helps, you'll see that it feels soft and becomes pleasant.

Dizziness and feeling of being on earth.

Everything is going very fast, stop the world I want to get off.
Feeling that we lose control of things and especially time.
The best thing for this is to walk barefoot and exercising anchor of all bodies in the present.
Imagine that your tailbone out a root you grounded.

Body aches.

When our body receives high vibrational energy and this is with rigid structures, it happens a struggle to pass, resistance to change makes it painful joints ache head, neck etc.
For this is good dieting purification especially leaving the food they produce acidity in the body (refined flour, coffee, soft drinks etc. ..) take detoxifying herbal teas, do any type of exercise (walking, yoga, Tai-chi, Pilates ...)
And the best way to release the pain is by crying, recommend mourn much.
Drink plenty of water.
Tachycardia and feelings in the heart.
The heart has an electromagnetic field that traditionally has been connected to the Earth and moves with it emotionally.
The heart is one of the most sensitive parts of our body, is what allows us to connect with that inner space of love, where there is no time.
Our heart is expanding energetically with our fears and react to change.
The best thing for this is to accept and release. Deep abdominal breathing can ever happen to you.

Flu, colds and viruses sudden.
The body has reached a level of supersaturation and makes crisis.
Recommendation just rest and drink plenty of water.

Diarrhea and vomiting. Also extreme stress situation.
Resistance to change does not tolerate anything in the body that is not in resonance with the new vibration, so the body does its own cleanup.

Hot flashes or sweats, day or night.

The body needs clean burning and does everything that does not serve the cellular level.
make offerings to the fire to return the balance, light a candle or a campfire.
Toxins evaporated.
Again much water and sea salt baths.

Changes in eating pattern.

It causes us to eat or hours before or the same as before.
Sometimes there is a desire to eat protein, milk, cheese. others not to eat anything or just vegetables and fruits.
Listen to what your body tells you, and what you ask without trial.
The address what you eat is important, maybe it was time to change your eating habits.

Other symptoms of mental and emotional level:

Vivid dreams.

Not always pleasant, very frequent persecutions.
The emotional body overloaded and does need to drain through dreams.
They are very useful to know what are the fears and beliefs that are holding back progress.
I recommend doing a daily meditation practice, which allows to integrate emotional and mental processes.

Panic attacks.

Suffocation, everything goes black, fainting, hyperventilation, dizziness.
Fear is a response to the unknown.
When changes are very fast, the body reacts emotionally stressing that we have to look to heal.
The best way to overcome it is to focus on the present moment, breathe slow and abdominally.

Hopelessness, sadness and depression.

Offset to the outside world, we see only violence, desolation, all structures fall gave us security, sense of helplessness.
The basic recommendation for this is to disconnect from the Matrix, that is, be selective about television and the radio, away from the media, especially the news.
Very important as healing connection with nature, go for walks, mountain, golf, the beach, watch the sunrise and sunset, sunbathe in the morning and evening.

Disorientation, feeling of not knowing where you are.

Feeling of being lost in the street, including estrangement from your own home, not knowing which way to go.
Right now our soul is sailing, going from one dimension to another changes our view of things, we are teetering between 3D, 4D and 5D, the feeling of alienation will fade as we accept these events.

Distraction, memory loss.

Recent memory is lost, the object is lost, do not know what we would do in the next moment, forgetfulness.
This change is due to the electromagnetic field of the earth.
Our memory is recorded as a magnetic tape, the pendulum of the field makes some memories erased.
Again anchor grounding all bodies, being in the present, consciously.

Changes in sleep pattern.

Or we can not sleep and woke up at certain times (3 or 4 in the morning).
Or rather sleep for long periods without stopping.
This has to do with stress levels unconscious level changes of the sun, the time ie today are getting shorter, the weather is being compressed and yet we measuring with the same 24-hour clock.
With this alone.

Rejection end.

This can be for people, animals, things, food, smells, sounds.
These feelings are based on our idea of ​​separation, reject what is perhaps more parts of your shadow that are not integrated.
Note that mirror is showing you that rejection, integration calls, faces in your shadow, asks bravery and courage, is an opportunity to grow.

Emotional carrousel and loss of control.

Going through a lot of emotions in a short time and feel that we can not control them.
The heart has been so closed to feel that now is feeling wildly, catching up.
Give permission to your emotions to express themselves, when they are released again a new balance.
All this is happening is part of the great change of vibration of the earth and the sun, is the cleansing our bodies, physical, mental and emotional need to transcend the light.

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