Thursday, October 4, 2012

Polar Shift Theory - December 21, 2012

The buzz on the December 21, 2.012 end of days theory is made stronger by possibilities in more ways than one.

On an earlier post I talked about the Mayan calendar and how it ended count on December 21, 2.012, and the I ching, an ancient fortune telling Chinese book, that when mapped on a timeline also ends December 21, 2.012 and it’s at a low point of the graph meaning something terrible or destructive is about to happen.

Another theory is that of a pole shift.

What is a Pole Shift?

A pole shift is the shifting of the Earth’s axis, meaning the north and south poles that we know of today may no longer be the same when a pole shift occurs. it may even be that the north would turn into south and south to north.

On the picture above you will see that the poles are tilted and there’s a new equatorial line. I guess it is a known fact the Earth is not like it was before, it does wobble on its axis causing shifting from time to time.

Scientists Albert Einstein, Charles Hapgood, Edgar Cayce, Nostradamus and numerous others all believe that the Earth’s crust is floating on a sea of molten lava and that a great amount of ice on the polar caps could lead the crust to literally slip off that ocean of lava causing a polar shift.

(Also, for a fun read check our Clive Cussler’s book “Polar Shift.”)

Normally shifting occurs gradually that the damage it causes doesn’t really get that alarming.

What other people or some scientists believe, is that the pole shift happening on 2.012 is an abrupt one, meaning the shifting could take weeks, days or even just hours to be completed.

What will happen if this comes true?


Think of the worst disaster you can think of, that will happen.

Tsunamis, flooding, climate changes to the extremest level will happen.

Some countries will cease to exist and the map that we know of today will no longer be true.

There are evidences that this type of event has happened before.

Take into consideration the mammoth that was discovered on ice where the body is greatly preserved and still has undigested food in its stomach, that only means that it was frozen instantly.

It seems that survival would be unlikely under such drastic changes.

What would cause an instant pole shift?

The answer is planet X or Nibiru.

Many people are saying that a newly discovered or rediscovered planet called planet X or Nibiru will be passing by on 2.012, and if it enters our inner solar system it would cause a huge impact on our planet.

A sudden pole shift is one of the possibilities and when this happens, it’s going to be Armageddon, the end for all civilization.

Sudden ice age, new mountains forming, mountains disappearing, huge volcanic eruptions, it will be like a whole face lift of planet Earth.

What does Science Say

NASA has stated that there will be a change in the solar cycle during 2012, which may cause a reversal of its own magnetic poles.

This could have a profound effect on the polarity of our own world.

Scientific evidence also shows that the last polar shift happened in recent history; as recently as 10k years ago

Antarctica was not covered by snow and ice.

I guess we’ll never know until that day comes.

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