Friday, October 5, 2012

Are they preparing us for extraterrestrial disclosure?

In october the 13th, the New Yorkers watched several celestial objects that were later interpreted as balloons.

But not convincingly explained why the control rooms of the three local airports were evicted, or why that day alleged ufo's were filmed on cities around the world as a military announced that it would allegedly contacted aliens, which would thus a first step towards the progressive revelation of their presence on Earth.

This culminated the most bewildering succession of scientific discoveries and statements regarding ufo's and extraterrestrial life.

Simple coincidence or a jump in our preparation for an inevitable announcement ?

There have always been grounds for believing that the shadow governments have hidden the truth us, performing complex disinformation and smear campaigns, for very different reasons.

But during the last decade, two currents as small as noisy and controversies have conducted a campaign of denunciation and awareness about the alien presence: Disclosure Project (Disclosure) and exopolitics movement.

A radically different interpretation is the Enterprise Project, directed by Richard C. Hoagland, who has taken more decisive conspiranoids paths from that in March 1.996 claimed that Nasa had hidden among other physical evidence, the existence of artificial structures on the moon, playing mostly as a great secret government manipulation.

This statement made in the National Press Club in Washington, which has trained since then until today, numerous high-level ufo witnesses to provide their testimonies strong and claim the government hides confess what we had then to wonder if it was on a campaign to prepare public opinion.

Buried by the barrage of daily news for the general public have gone unnoticed hispanic widespread evidence and authoritative voices have joined these allegations.

Future should interpret revelation as a secret government conspiracy or e.t. manipulation?

Recent evidence of the highest level for ufo's suggest that we have a dam to burst.

We attended a string of revolutionary discoveries and statements about extraterrestrial life unprecedented.

The disinformation campaign focused public attention on the ufo balloon or deny that the Un has an embassy et.

The observations of October 13 on New York and twelve other points around the world were announced long before, by a soldier approached, as the beginning of a progressive revelation of the extraterrestrial presence.

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