Friday, October 5, 2012

The Bible and the the aliens

Is the Bible a book about of the alien presence on Earth?

With all the respect the Holy Scriptures deserve to us and the sacred books of other peoples and religions, the Bible has being a largely historical record of Israel over nearly four thousand years, it is a large number of references to the presence of aliens called "angels" in our world.

Does this negate the existence of God?

By no means. God is the Creator of all, and that the so-called "aliens" more advanced than we may have been acting on Earth, does not deny the existence of God, on the contrary, the idea of ​​God that have emerged today that handle contact with space beings.

In fact, the concept so famous flying angels (with wings), has to do with these space travelers who were traveling through the air.

But we must not create us the idea that God is an alien like them, we must remember that God is a force incomprehensible to our minds and whose character is universal.

Although it has always happened to be confused by the human limitations of understanding, the messengers with the message.

Are the angels aliens?

Angels are to the past what aliens would be today, and this is evident when analyzing the development of these characters.

When can we know about all this openly?

At the pace of world events, I would say there is not much, and in that sense it analyze a fragment of the Dead Sea Scrolls "This will signal to you what will happen: when the offspring of the wicked is enclosed, wickedness to righteousness disappear as darkness to light.

And as the smoke fades and is no more, so the evil will vanish forever and righteousness will be shown like the sun, computer in the world.

All who hold the mysteries of rebellion will no longer exist, the world shall be filled with knowledge and it will never be as foolish. "(Qumran Book of Mysteries IQ27 ,6-8)

To what extent have intervened or acted beings from other worlds in our history?

100% directly, as well, who created us in His image and likeness.

"Then I thought to myself that conception (of Noah) was the work of the Rangers and Guardians Worlds Planet, or the Nephilim (fallen angels or giants).

I swear by the great saint, by the King of heaven ... that this seed is from you, from you and from you this conception is the fruit produced ... and not any stranger or any of the Rangers or any of the Sons of Heaven. " (Qumran, Genesis Apocryphon 1QGn, 1 and 16)

The Bible and the history

The Bible is a book considered sacred to many of the world's great religions, and inspiration for many of the humans who have marked history.

The word Bible comes from the Greek word "Biblon" which means "Book" and which in turn is a word of Phoenician origin, as is the name of the ancient Phoenician city "Byblos" (now Lebanon).

And is that the Phoenicians were exporting agents by the Mediterranean culture, carrying their wares with the alphabet and writing.

Originally the Bible was written in Hebrew, a language mysterious evolution but did not record appeared at any moment, complete with twenty-two letters, all consonants and no vowels. And in Hebrew numbers were not known, so that the letters also served as numbers.

Thus, the first 9 points, representing units, the following 9 for the tens, and the last 4 to the hundreds.

Therefore, any word could be translated into numbers and vice versa. Like a language code encryption.

The Bible was the first book Gutenberg printed, and annually it out over two million worldwide editions, and in all languages.

Itself is like a big encyclopedia for it contains everything from history, tradition, myths and legends, to legal norms, poetry, wonderful songs and prayers, aphorisms, teachings on traditional medicine and food recipes.

And many books are different but complementary, written at different times.

The body of the Bible has been extracted from manuscripts that are now known as the Sinaitic, Alexandrian and the Vatican. 

The Catholic Bible is made from the Council of Trent in 1546 for 72 books, grouped into 45 books in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament (from the rise of Christianity).

The Jewish Bible is divided into three groups of books: The Law and the Prophets and the Writings accepts only 38 in total, and in the Protestant canon of 38 Old Testament Jews, plus 27 of the New.

The first five books called the "Pentateuch", and the Jews "The Torah" were attributed to Moses (XIV century BC).

But we now know that rather the scribes of Solomon (tenth century BC), who wrote or compiled the oral tradition, combining both traditions now called the "Elohist" and the "Yahwist", which intersect at all times the texts.

But the rugged history of the people of Israel, made them lose much of that material with the invasions of Assyrians and Babylonians, again being collated at the time of Ezra and Nehemiah (V-IV centuries BC).

The New Testament is the contribution of Christianity as the continuation of the history of God's chosen people, universalizing the message, and is divided into three sections: the historical books, the teaching and a prophetic book that has been the Apocalypse or Book of Disclosures.

Until 1.945 was known besides the canonical books called (officially accepted), 50 Old Testament Apocrypha and 60 of the New.

This is, books whose originals have not survived to this day (of dubious originality and provenance), and we have received only copies of copies, translations Slavonic, Ethiopian and Armenian.

But precisely for that year were found in the caves of Nag Hammadi in Egypt, the Gnostic Gospels of Jesus for Children, original fourth century AD, and then in 1.947, on the western shore of the Dead Sea were discovered in a accidental, the scrolls of the Essenes of Qumran, containing not only original in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek Old books considered canonical, but also the Apocrypha known original, and many who did not even know.

In the third century BCE Pharaoh Ptolemy Philadelphus in the beautiful and cosmopolitan city of Alexandria, had appointed 72 Hebrew scholars of the local Jewish community, so that in an extremely short (72 days), translated the Bible into Greek, to place in the famous library the city. 

This led to the version of "The Septuagint" (LXX).

Then in the fourth century AD, St. Jerome translated the Holy Scriptures from Greek into Latin, the latter being known as the "Vulgate".

The Bible as a sacred text, supports multiple levels of interpretation, with a multiplicity of meanings.

But fundamentally it is a history book, the story of the people of Israel, a people who bore witness contacted and said permanent contact with other realities.

But it's a true story, archaeologically verifiable, although many events the product of oral transmission and the time have changed, degenerated or have been charged with a more epic than they had originally.

With all due respect I do not intend to make a thorough study of biblical exegesis, nor with regard to the theological (knowing right away that in some texts like Genesis for example, are not intended to be historical but metaphorical and moralistic).

My interest is only raising the possibility that beyond the obvious moral and spiritual background, the Holy Scriptures as historical book, containing the evidence that we have been visited by beings from other worlds who have been following our story, and to some as our past or architects are the same, and we to some extent, we are your future, while it would be a projection of their expectations, as a father with his children.

This will not come to ruin our religious beliefs, nor denies the existence of God, on the contrary it reaffirms, as it would demonstrate that we are not alone, that we have never been, and also explain many respects incomprehensible until now.

In the Bible we will find many terms that even though some authors consider and transcribed as synonyms, they are not.

For example, we have the term "Elohim", which translates as "gods" or "we" but it is not the same as "Elyon" (The Absolute), or "El", said of each of the Rangers ( god or higher being come from the stars), or "or Edonay Adonay" (Lord) or "Yahweh or Jehovah" (He is or who is), or "El Shaddai" (Almighty), or "Eli" (Father).

And we also have "mal'ak or Malakim" (angel or messenger in Greek) meaning "bearer" or "incomprehensible hand of God," all terms, much repeated in the early books of the Old Testament, and that is going to be part of the track that leads to understanding extraterrestrial involvement in the stories.

But let us pass directly to the analysis of texts:

Creation, but by whom?

We are perhaps the result of genetic manipulation or sowing of extraterrestrial life?

"Then Elohim said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness ..."( Gen 1.26)


We know that the designs of God are strange because of the foreign media he uses.

It is not surprising that the divinity often acts in an indirect but effective ("God can write straight with crooked lines").

The word Elohim which begins the Jewish Bible, as I stated before, is translated as "we", or "gods", plural.

Taking into account this small detail, wonder what would happen if we accept that other galaxies, suns and systems came before ours?

And in some of these other homes cosmic civilizations developed, which are not better than us, but are advanced in a different time evolution, as the older brother in college and we in kindergarten.

Could some of these extra-cultures, according to their technological capabilities, reach us?

May be yes .. Someday, our technology will allow us to other worlds and thanks to the diverse knowledge, including genetics, we can accelerate at the discretion (but ethically), the process of life, our seed sown there or what we know and are.

And when there is intelligent life on these worlds, for these beings would be like their gods, which would make them understand that we are not gods, just would be to work with nature.

So as not to create dependencies, we leave, promising to return one day, of which results in the creation of myths and legends of all our peoples.

All this argument might help us understand why we made in the image and likeness of God, as quoted scripture. Genesis 1:26 And God said "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness

Genesis 2: 22 And the Lord God said:

Behold, the man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil. And now, he extends his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat and live forever.

Beyond the symbolism of the spiritual image of God with their values ​​(creativity and capacity to love), of which we would also be a reflection us ask the possibility that this might be a direct and tacit assertion:

"Let us make man in our image" ... God has no physical appearance, and rule the universe is the variety, so we are talking about a crop the image and likeness of beings from other worlds of humanoid appearance (although there are totally different from each other, like the Chinese of blacks or whites), but who maintain a certain degree of similarity close relationship with our environment and climate.

Do they came to our world as extraterrestrials crews to do several specific tasks?

"When Elyon gave to the nations, when he separated the sons of Adam, established the boundaries of peoples according to the number of the Beni 'The more the portion that corresponded to Yahweh was Israel." (Deuteronomy 32: 8-9)

"Elohim stands in the divine assembly, among the gods judge:" Even when you judge unjustly and you shall keep account of the wicked (...)

I said, 'You are gods, and sons of Elyon all of you! But ye shall die like men, and as one of the princes shall fall. "(Psalm 82: 1-7)


The Bible itself in Deuteronomy and its Psalms, we clarified the picture with regard to the collective nature of Elohim, and how it corresponds to a hierarchical name below what one could have imagined.

As for the Beni'El, these are the children of God or gods (angels), also called the Apocrypha as Rangers and Guardians Worlds.

The Hebrew people, but it was not originally monotheistic "monólatra", which means recognizing the existence of other gods, but also a principal with which they identified, called "Elyon" (the Absolute).

Accordingly, we would have confused the intermediate hierarchies and intermediaries with the Creator of everything.

And our world would have been the scene since its inception, a systematic process of extraterrestrial interventions by way of a genetic laboratory.

But it would be for these beings, rats, but something like "test-tube babies" and our world would not be seen as a farm, but rather as a crèche or kindergarten (kindergarten), where would we experiment with forms and processes of learning, they must create the conditions to learn or remember things through us, things that in the process of evolution have forgotten or neglected.

Do the rebells alien came to a higher plan?

"You said in your heart: The sky will climb above the stars will raise my throne high and sit on the mountain of the meeting in the confines of the North, will climb the heights of the clouds, I igualaré to Elyon" .. . (Isaiah 14.13)


It was assumed that the "gods" (Elohim or Beni'El) met regularly at a place called the "Mountain of the Assembly", at the edge of Mount zephon.

There should be accountable to the Lord of the progress of his government, may be punished but complied with the instructions.

But apparently, from the beginning there were dissenters.

Did earth was a big genetic laboratory?

"Then Elohim formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, man was constituted as a living soul." (Gen 2.7)


Although not intended as historical, anthropological or a treatise, Genesis is right to point out (what evolution has demonstrated), who after all created man appeared and was not reversed.

The human being is the latest in the evolutionary chain.

According to the scriptures is made from the raw material on earth (soil dust), but not only is matter, also has an individual soul, and spirit, which is transmitted otherwise.

In our world they would have both processes, evolution, and the foreign intervention., Sometimes parallel, and in other coinciding (simultaneously).

"So Elohim took the man and settled in the garden of Eden to till it and keep it. Then he Elohim commanded the man, saying, "Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat, but the tree of knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, because the day you eat of it you shall die. '" ( Gen 2: 16-17)

"And they began to sin against birds, and against the beasts, reptiles and fish, after they ate the flesh among them, and drank the blood. 

Then he accused the violent earth. " (Enoch 7.5 to 6)


The Myth of Genesis is not Hebrew, but Sumerian origin. 

Recall that Abraham lived in Ur of the Chaldeans with his father Terah, and there he was educated in the cultural heritage of this ancient town, where as pointed out by the Sumerian clay tablets, there was talk of a garden, the tree, of the serpent, the forbidden fruit (immortality) and "gods" creators.

Imagine for a moment a laboratory ship landing somewhere in Mesopotamia or Africa. Ship was a greenhouse, where seven genetic engineers called "Sowers of Life" or "Cosmic Gardeners" (the Elohim), have been sent by the government of our Galaxy, consisting of twenty-four elders Venerable Sages (Council which brings together all the worlds evolved the capacity to help and to help), they would have considered the time to accelerate the process of life on this planet Ur category (from one star system), known as Earth.

Accordingly, it would continue and increase the degree of intervention, from sporadic genetic experiments, the direct action of monitoring and observation of groups generated.

To which a group of our ancestors (Adam), are introduced in this laboratory ship, warning them to be vegetarians (is much emphasis on this, in the apocryphal book of Enoch), and should avoid eating directly from certain plants counterproductive to the evolutionary process (hallucinogenic plants), because damage the body (brain neurons), and affect the subtler vehicles, affecting the entire process (blocking the natural development of psychic potential).

"The serpent said unto the woman:

You will not die of course, is that Elohim knows that the day you eat of that (tree) will open your eyes and you will become as gods, knowing good and evil (you'll have insight). " (Gen 3:4-5)


It is natural to ask ourselves if Elohim was God, and God knows everything, why let the snake was there in the garden and tempt women?

Unless, that he himself had prepared the trap.

Obviously this can not be. But why they might have feared that human beings develop their discernment?

Were afraid of what really? 

What was that we should not know? 

Why so much fear from them?

It has nothing to do either God or the serpent in actual fact, to have occurred at the hands of star visitors for hundreds of thousands of years (or millions), so let us leave the snakes alone.

Here we find a story that would mention that one of the seven growers, identified with the symbol of the "snake" (symbol of knowledge and wisdom, but also of medicine), he would have behaved like an alien doctor (perhaps a Dr. Frankenstein older version or Dr. Jeckyl).

This would be prioritized research to assess what would happen with the use of those plants, but at the expense of the future of our ancestors.

"You were seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty, in Eden, garden splendid rooms, all manner of precious stones were (...), your dress and gold was a gallon of your pad and your neckline ( ...)

You were a cherub consecrated as a protector, I had established that you, were on the holy mountain of Elohim (you were one of ours), and you walked among the fiery stones.

You were perfect in your proceed from the day you were created, until iniquity found in you.

By the intensity of your traffic you have filled your inner violence and you sinned, and I've thrown from the mountain of Elohim "... (Ezekiel 28, 11-16) is Gadriel :..., "«... it is he who seduced Eve '"(Enoch 59.6)


This infamous character named Gadriel would have given the play of others, located behind the scenes to make an interference which thwarted a cosmic design.

Exist for this alien inhabitants of other planets, and also "Ultraterrestrials", which would be beings who belong to other dimensions, parallel universes and even (I recommend to consult the book "Guardians and Wardens of Worlds", editorial Errepar, Buenos Aires)

It's funny how the description of the costumes for Gadriel coincide with the much later would wear the Levitical priests on behalf of Yahweh

Then they heard noise (steps) of Elohim, who was walking through the orchard to the evening breeze, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of Elohim through the interior of the orchard trees.

Elohim then called the man, saying:

Where are you eaten anything ?...¿ tree that I commanded you not eat? (Gen 3, 8-11)


The story suggests the manifest presence of someone who takes up space and that of others, or not necessarily know everything that is happening around them, which shows that you are not speaking of God, but of these visitors, who see the project fail planned by the wrongdoing of a fellow ..

Do we fear the aliens for something we know, but we would ever know?

"Then Elohim said, Behold that has become like one of us (man) knowing good and evil!

Not long to go now his hand and take also of the tree of life, eat thereof and live forever! He cast out, as Elohim of the orchard of Eden, and put him to work the land which had been formed.

After removing the man at the east of the garden winged beings and a burning sword that was turning on all sides, to prevent anyone came to the tree of life. "(Gen 3, 22-24)


The aliens come to fear the consequences of transgression and of our character and curiosity, and we also fear us, because we corrected and improved version of themselves.

Decide then abort that part of the mission, driving our ancestors genetic laboratory.

The project was shelved and the humanity of the Earth, left to itself, in an aggressive and unstable world. So much fear that we have, or distrust, which is cordoned off the area with guards (¿robots?), And smart weapons.

What knowledge they feared that we could get to know?

In what could that hurt them?

"Then Elohim made a sign for Cain not hurt anyone finding him. Then Cain left the presence of Elohim and settled in the land of Nod, east of Eden. (There) Cain knew his wife ... "(Gen 4, 15-17)


If Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel were the only ones on earth who could find Cain other than their parents, and then where does Cain's wife? .

Also, how can it be possible that Cain went out from the presence of God, God is everywhere?.

Obviously you are not speaking of God but by another entity misinterpreted as such, and is located in a particular place in the landscape.

Leaving off the ship laboratory experiment subject to our ancestors (now powerless), they found many other hominid outside it, with whom he began to mix.

According to teachings received by groups of extraterrestrial contact: 25.000 years ago of our two great civilizations: the beings from Orion and the Pleiades have been sent to our world as Wardens and Wardens, to resume things, but while preventing anyone from interfering the process of evolution in which wild have fallen humanity.

But one of these Rangers of Orion called "Satanel" (Satan or Satan, not to be confused at all with Lucifer or Lucifer would be an outer), would interfere (but not exactly for the better), being the trigger of a tension , which eventually became what is known as "War of the Sons of Light against the Sons of Darkness" or also called the "war of the angels."

Which culminated in the deportation to our planet from the dissident leaders, who used to live for thousands of years beyond our world, prematurely aged and died here, being trapped in another dimension.

Although not all participated in the dissent Orions, who remained loyal to the Plan were replaced by beings from Sirius (Canis Major) and allowed the Orions, set on the moons of Jupiter and lie there in mining colonies, being in attitude distant observers planetary process.

Enoch, the Watchers and Fallen Angels

Was Enoch the first known abduction case?

"Like Enoch lived according to the will of Elohim, because one day he disappeared Elohim took him." (Gen 5.24)


Here we find the oldest case known of "abduction" by extraterrestrial beings, although I would argue, rather was an invitation to accompany them, although there was no return.

There hybridization and interbreeding with aliens in the past and have all the legends of ancient peoples?

"There were at that time on earth, giants, and even after that, when the sons of God (the angels of heaven) joined the daughters of men and they bore children, who are the heroes, from old men renowned ".


The Bible records a series of statements here very strong as are the existence of giant, constantly mentioned in Greek mythology and many other peoples also plays the widespread issue of sexual relations divine or heavenly beings with human mortality.

For if the angels are immaterial beings with a baby face and wings on their backs, as we have been led to believe, as explained here say openly that they had sexual contact, as if they were sailors who are leaving their family of port port.

The sexual contact may be possible but they were physical beings, and could not have children if genetics were not compatible.

As reiterated above in the Apocryphal Book of Enoch says:

"So when the children of men multiplied, in those days were born unto them beautiful and comely daughters, and the angels, the sons of heaven, saw and lusted after them, and they said among themselves:" Come on, choose women between the children of men and beget children. "

So Semyaza, his boss, said: "I fear you may not wish (really) satisfy this work, and I will be alone responsible for a great sin. '" (Enoch 6:1-4)

"So they were all two hundred, and descended upon Ardis, the summit of Mount Hermon (border of Syria and Lebanon )"...( Enoch 6.6)

"These and all others with these (angels), took wives, each chose one and began to go to them and have commerce with them, and taught them charms and enchantments, and taught them the art of cutting roots and (science) of trees. "(Enoch 7.1)


We come to name the leader of the Rangers (Pleiadians), which is "Semyaza" and the number of those involved in the terrible transgression: two hundred cosmonauts!.

But also, it shows us the beginnings of magic, witchcraft and shamanism, which originally fell on women.

Here we find an interesting explanation, because as these are their origins, it is easier to understand the irrational hatred and fear that has led to fanaticism to pursue and kill the most brutal way throughout history, who have preserved and transmitted these arts and knowledge, being always women, the worst part.

"The Lord spoke again to Raphael Azazel shackled, feet and hands, and throw it in the darkness, and open the desert which is in Dudael, and throw him there."

"And to Michael the Lord said, Go Semyaza shackled and his companions have joined women to spot them in all their impurity." (Enoch 10.4 and 11)


The idea of ​​fallen angels, there would be only of those who have rebelled Cosmic Plan or the Government of the Galaxy, but also that of a group of offenders who had sexual contact with land, which was forbidden by the visitors .

This sexual contact could have been promoted to the distance required by those exiles hybrid or mixed bodies in which embody, as they, could not have managed directly, and thus, would have left his prison as they were dying and being born, but would be subject to an oversight similar to ours previous processes (reincarnation).

"Destroy it, all voluptuous souls and the children of the guardians, because they have oppressed men." (Enoch 10, 15)


Apparently, not all children of aliens with humans were heroic, because here it is mentioned that there were some who oppressed the people, taking advantage of their vantage point, perhaps by the knowledge that handled.

"There I saw seven stars of heaven, chained together in this place, like great mountains and burning like fire."

"These stars are those who have transgressed the commandment of the Lord and they have been chained here till within ten thousand centuries, number of days of their sins." (Enoch 21.3 and 6)


Here we mention again that people would be punished Pleiadian origin.

Ships and more ships

What was it you saw in the sky at the time of the Biblical patriarchs?

"And he, after that, I saw another army of chariots (spacecraft), upon which was mounted men, and they went on the winds (in heaven), from east and west until noon.

You could hear the rumble of their cars ... "(Enoch 57.1)


There is here a clear description of the appearance of manned spacecraft from heaven coming to earth.

The flood or a cosmic catastrophe?

"He said therefore Elohim to Noah," 'The end of all creatures, as their cause the earth is full of violence, and, behold, I will destroy the earth. " (Gen 6.13)


How strange that being the "Thou Shalt Not Kill" among the most important commandments of God, is said to be going to end the violence, but using a larger and more terrible violence.

Also, what fault have animals for example, if your act is purely instinctive and natural?.

And will not the flood of Noah to do with the destruction of the legendary civilization of Atlantis?.

"Elohim smelled the pleasing odor, and said in his heart," not again curse the ground because of man, for the inclination of the human heart is evil from his youth, I will not hurt all living things, as I have . '"(Gen 8.21)


Such reflections are better suited to someone very human and temperamental, he regrets having messed up, destroying everything in a fit of temper tantrum. And it contradicts everything the God of love that Jesus taught us, and that being fair and compassionate love life, and man without reproach.

The tower of Babel and the lost knowledge

Had humanity  developed in the past telepathy?

"But Elohim came down to see the city and the tower that the men were building and thought:" They are one people and speak only one language, which is why this work has begun, and now for the world will stop .

You better go down to confuse their language so they do not understand each other. ". (Gen 11.5 to 7)


From what we temperamental malicious sabotage, malicious and incomprehensible to someone (a collective alien) who fears the progress of the human being, and doing the unspeakable to avoid, reaching powers and abilities make him forget.

Apparently the human being at that time dominated the same language: "telepathy" so that not only ideas but also transmitting emotions, so there was no deceit, no lies and hypocrisy, and this made us familiar in depth things.

The excuse given in the story, that the human being joined to heaven because he was offended by building a tower by way of stairway to heaven, is no more than that just an excuse.

The staircase was mental and spiritual, and there were those who wanted to prevent arrived perhaps higher and faster than them.

Besides the great fear that mankind apparently inspired the visitors, was that we were integrated in the same way, with an attitude of cooperation without competition and with it, we were able to be independent.

The ziggurat in Mesopotamia was astronomical observation towers, and centers of culture and knowledge expansion.

The analogies are myths and stories in other parts of the Earth, we do take more interest in the Tower of Babel.

For example, in Puebla (Mexico) mentions an ancient legend that tells of seven giants that survived the flood because they had taken refuge in a high mountain.

Once down into the valley, decided to build a huge pyramid that reached high into the sky, to protect them against future disasters.

Further, that this structure would serve to pay homage to the god Tlaloc (god of water), and as a stairway to heaven, up and to talk directly with the gods.

But the gods were offended and threw fire on the building, scattering their builders, leaving the unfinished pyramid today. 

This pyramid would be to Cholula.

Abraham the contactee

Was Abraham a contact with aliens?

"One day Elohim said to Abram," leave your country, your parents and your father's house to go to the land I'll show you.

With your descendants I will be a great nation through you (...) bless all the families of the world '"(Gen 12.2)


Abraham was a Semite Heber Clan, and is called by the visitors on a mission, for it must move through their own efforts to Canaan, with all the work involved.

Were to generate more than one people (Hebrew and Arabic), which will be committed to spiritual guidance to humanity (¿correcting past mistakes?), Because as the Bible says, the message would benefit all.

"Abram went through all this region (Canaan) down to Shechem, where is the sacred oak of Moreh.

The Canaanites were then living in that region. There the Lord appeared and said: "This is the land I will give to your descendants. '" (Gen 12: 6-7)

"Back then there was a shortage of food in all the land, and Abram went to Egypt to live for some time, because there was nothing to eat at the place where he lived.

When I was coming to Egypt, Abram told Sarai his wife: "Look, I know that you're a beautiful woman, and when the Egyptians see you, they will say:" This woman is the wife of this man " .

So kill me, and you're no longer alive to stay with you. So for me to do well and do not kill me for your sake, please tell them you're my sister. "
(Gen 12, 10-13)


Today the religions that pride themselves on being descendants of the Patriarch Abraham, highlighted in the faith and willingness to follow the will of the Lord, following a blind proper way to a promised land, which as announced: flowing with milk and honey. ..

But soon after arriving to Egypt has to start because there is a great famine.

No wonder if God who was involved, had not been aware that the region was going through a bad time before sending his chosen?

Why if the relationship with the boss were so good and close, God sending solutions rains not things, food, etc?

Or was it not God?

Apparently they needed visitors to the site and, as it were.

But why that place? What is special?

The land of Canaan (now Israel), is a natural bridge between Asia and Africa.

With a vision toward the future was known that there was a must for the most important civilizations expansionary, so that was a good place to locate a group of people genetically programmed to influence the minds of other peoples.

Abraham also was a special person, besides being very clever, was also a born psychic, so I could enter with relative ease in mental communication (contact) with the visitors.

But this person (Abram or Abraham), an example of faith, know him well enough to feel we immediately disappointed.

For example, when asked his wife to pretend she was his sister, so that Egypt would not kill him.

How they might kill if one choose? Where is your faith?

How can expose your wife to prostitution in order not to get hurt it?.

Moreover, very nice and it was beautiful Sarai (all covered with thick dark fabrics as Bedouin women today, smelling everything, cracked skin from dust and sun), how could compare with the beautiful, thin, sexy young ladies of the court and the king's harem, who freely showed firm breasts, and dressed in flowing robes that left nothing to the imagination, and smelling of perfume lotus?. Well! ...

Between tastes and colors did not write the authors. And thanks to Sarah, Abraham became rich or richer than it was, receiving many gifts from Pharaoh.

He said the strange thing is that Abraham has come to feel helpless, to the extent that he had to leave the promised land )?...

And when they were close, there was no easy way to ask for help and protection, or simply were slow to arrive and act ... Very strange, no!

"Behold, my covenant is with thee (said Elohim), and shall be the father of many nations.

And your name be called any more Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham, for I have made you a father of many nations.

And you exceedingly fruitful, and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come from you. "(Gen 17.4 to 6)


As mentioned Abraham was selected and programmed by aliens genetics, so that through them should arise a human group in future act as spiritual guides for a good part of humanity.

So later we're going to find recommendations to prevent race mixing, and even new tamper with pregnancies unthinkable.

In the apocryphal "Testament of Abraham", exposes the degree of familiarity and sympathy with the visitors reached Abraham, because it says the patriarch before his death he was visited by a messenger of Elohim, who invited him to a chariot of fire with cherubim, transported to heaven able to contemplate the space.

Then he returned to his tent.

"The Lord appeared to Abraham in the forest of oaks of Mamre, as Abraham was sitting at the entrance of his tent, about noon.

Abraham looked up and saw three men standing before him. In them, he sat up quickly to meet them, bowed to the ground with the forehead, and said:

'My lord, I beg you please do not go away.

If you think good, I will ask for some water to wash the feet then rest awhile under the shade of the tree.

Since you have gone through this server where you live you, I'll bring some food to replenish his strength before moving on.

Well, okay, they replied.

(...) Abraham offered them curds and milk, and stood up to serve them while they ate under the tree.

When finished eating, visitors asked Abraham:

Where is your wife Sarah?

Here in the tent he replied.

Then one of them said:

Again next year to visit, and then your wife Sarah shall have a son.

Meanwhile, Sarah was listening all the conversation back to Abraham, at the entrance of the store.

Abraham and Sarah were very old, and Sarah had stopped having menstrual periods.

So Sarah could not keep from laughing, and thought: "How can I have it taste, now that my husband and I are so old?

But the Lord said to Abraham:

Why Sarah laugh? Do not think you can have a child despite her age?

There is something so hard that the Lord can not do it ?..."
(Gen 18.1 to 14)


Did Abraham receive the Lord how can this be, if the Bible itself says that no one has seen God and lived to tell?

One could argue that he has been seen as it is, because nobody could bear that vision.

But if God is all we are seeing God always in your creation. But this is different, before Abraham had three individuals, one of which was attributed to be the Lord, or Elohim.

You have to wonder what sir?

Also, eat, drink and rest as anybody else, and they had a good sense of humor which makes them very human.

I would say: human suspiciously!.

What happened in Sodom and Gomorrah?

"The people of Sodom and Gomorrah has a bad reputation, and their sin is so serious that I am going there to see if in fact your evil is as great as I have said. So I will know.

Two of the visitors were there to Sodom, but Abraham stood yet before the Lord. He leaned closer to him and asked:

You destroy the innocent along with the guilty? "
(Gen 18.20 to 22)

"Then began (the inhabitants of Sodom) to abuse Lot (Abraham's nephew) and approached the door to break it down, but Lot's visitors (angels) put forth their hand and put him inside the house, then closed the door, and made them blind men who were out ... "
(Gen 19.9 to 11)

"Since there are many complaints that the Lord has had on the people of this city and therefore has sent us to destroy it."
(Gen 19:13)

"... The Lord rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed them along with everyone who lived in them, and destroyed everything that grew in the valley ...

The next day morning, Abraham went to where he had been talking to the Lord; looked toward Sodom and Gomorrah, and all over the valley, and saw that the whole region up smoke like a furnace. "
(Gen 19:27)


Who will be taken to heaven gossip that Sodom was like carnival city but throughout the year?

How can it be possible that humans are so limited and these heavenly beings?

Did God himself must appear in person at the scene to establish the facts? Do not trust your skywatchers?

The same, is it not able to see the distance, all-knowing and all seeing? Or is the image of God that gives us is someone old, short-sighted and somewhat skeptical.

Obviously and no offense, this "gentleman" is nothing more than an employee of second category or the lower leagues.

And how is that to destroy the cities?

What happens again with the command to "not kill"? Or is it only applicable to humans, or what?

Take note an interesting fact, is that these beings were carrying weapons glare blindness in people of Sodom.

In addition, rain of fire descended on the area, has many elements similar to those of a nuclear explosion with their respective atomic radiation.

It may be that aliens plans cities like Sodom and Gomorrah were a bad influence on the offspring of Abraham (Canaan should become a beacon of light to the world), but from there to destroy them directly, is a contradiction to spiritual values ​​and universal laws.

And where is the promise to Noah not curse or destroy the earth again?.

These beings also commit mistakes and injustices, sometimes promising things that are not rushing to meet, or do not hesitate to break.

But beware that there are all up there as down here, and I know that there are beings very straight and true between the aliens.

Programmed offspring

"After some time, God tested Abraham's faith. He called him by name, he replied:

'Here I am

And God said:

Take Isaac, your only son whom thou lovest, and go to the land of Moriah. Once there, offer a burnt offering on the hill that I will point out.

(...) But at the time of taking the knife to slay his son, the angel of God called to him from heaven:

Abraham!, Abraham!

Here I am, 'he said.

The angel said:

Do not do any harm to the boy, because I know that you fear God, since you refused to give me not your only son. "
(Gen 22.2 and 9-12)


When Abraham arrived in Canaan, it was found that the Canaanite peoples had a very bad habit of sacrificing their firstborn sons in the top of the hills to their gods, which Abraham immediately rejected.

However, when the promise of the birth of the child, the patriarch apparently felt indebted to the Heaven for such a blessing.

This feeling may have produced the typical mentality on a game of your ego.

Yes the people who have false gods are able to sacrifice what they love? He, who loved God's true, is

It would not be able to do the same?

The extent to which these beings were not that drove Abraham to risk the life of his son, but himself?

If God knows the heart of how people are going to be tested or tempted like an imp, putting human beings on the horns of a dilemma, anxious for their children?

It was not God, neither were the aliens I think they did such a request.

But I am convinced that the angels (Ets), acted discouraging Abraham on Mount Moriah to not consummated such a crime.

In addition, both programs had cost them the son could not be allowed to frustrate their plan.

"Rebecca could not have children, so Isaac prayed to God for it. And the Lord heard his prayer and Rebekah became pregnant. "(Gen 25.21)

"And Gd appeared to him that night (Isaac), and said: I am the God of thy father: fear not, for I am with you and bless you and multiply your descendants for the sake of my servant Abraham" (Gen. 26, 24)


The meetings will continue to involve the offspring of the Patriarch, and keeping lines of communication or connection.

In addition, still births higher intervention or assistance.

Jacob and the angel, an unequal struggle?

Jacob was witnessing the decline of aliens to Earth?

"... And behold a ladder set up on earth, and its top reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it." (Gen 28.12)


If what is told, is only a dream, it has more than its symbolic spiritual significance, but if it occurred as a vision of something real, and that the impression made to believe that the witness could be a dream, we have the testimony of an observation the descent of beings on earth.

"Jacob went on his way, and angels of God met him. When Jacob saw them, said: "This is an army of God." And he called that place Mahanaim. "(Gen 32.1)


Apparently it was quite common to visitors, to the extent that it could be as relatively normal.

Jacob then he stood alone, and a man (an angel) wrestled with him until daybreak. As he saw that he could not defeat Jacob, he struck at the joint between the thigh and dislocated it. Then he said:

Let me go, as day breaks.

More Jacob said:

I will not let you go without me blessed.

The person asked:

What is your name?

He replied:


He said:

You say your name is not Jacob, but Israel, for you have striven with Elohim and with men, and hast prevailed.

Jacob then asked and said:

Tell me please your name!

He replied:

Why do you ask my name?

Then the man blessed him there. And Jacob called the place Peniel, for he said: "I have seen Elohim face to face, and yet I'm still alive."
(Gen 32, 22-30)

Now it turns out that one can get hold of whack with the angels and even God and overcome them, without creating happy with it, cosmic dire consequences. But what really happens?

Training are lacking in high places? Did not make the angels as before?

Again, the obvious is that these beings as God or as misunderstood angels (although they were messengers) are not powerful and not always protected or supported by their paraphernalia.

But not without some "class" (though the blows), and to maintain the atmosphere of mystery, talking without saying much, with a cryptic attitude.

However, these characters had very peculiar behavior, or were misinterpreted in many ways by the ignorance of the time.

The bush and the pillar of cloud

Moses had a close encounter of the third kind on Mount Horeb?

"(...) Did (Moses) to the mountain of God, called Horeb.

There the angel of the Lord appeared in a flame of fire out of a bush. Moses set well and realized that the bush burned with fire but not consumed.

Then he thought: "What a strange thing! I see why the bush is not consumed. "

When the LORD saw that he was coming to look, God called from the bush

Moses, Moses!

Here I am, replied Moses.

Then God said:

Do not approach. And descálzate, for the place whereon thou standest is holy.

He added:

I am the God of your ancestors. I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Moses hid his face, for he was afraid to look at God, but the Lord kept telling her:

Clearly I have seen my people who are suffering in Egypt. I've heard them complain because of their slave drivers, and I know what they suffer.

So I came down, to rescue them from the Egyptians, I will remove them from that country and bring them to a great and good land where milk and honey flow like water.

It is the country inhabited by the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites ... "

(Exodus 3:3-8)


The appearances of the visitors tend to be surrounded by light or fire events, and other strange noises, but this time, we find a natural, real and current.

The type of bush in question has a concentration of oil in its branches makes under certain circumstances, even today, lights on fire but not consumed.

Could this have been used by the Elohim to bring in a simple curiosity of Moses, and that once these things to leave, every time you return to produce the same phenomenon, people feel the consolation of heavenly company .?

The people of Israel were living in Egypt was four hundred years, of which one is better, and had been in slavery, and without merit.

The big question is: why was allowed to be enslaved Chosen People and abused for so long, and has remained faithful to their God?

How can it be possible that "God" (which can not be, I repeat, the true God) tells Moses that has clearly seen the affliction of the people?

It was not clear that before?

Why took so long to realize and to act? Also, how is it that has gone down?.

If God is everywhere, and not have to go down as if it were a cosmonaut orbiting the planet is waiting for better conditions.

But if it were an alien, it does explain why they left in a safe place four hundred years ago the people, and as time stands still for them as for us, become a little while (to them), and find what they left in crisis .

The aliens know that they should no longer intervene directly (they can but they should not) because things change.

In the past I did and was more damaging than constructive.

But we see that in some aspects remain the same arbitrary, as to help one going to hurt the other, such as land take from some to give to others.

This is not fair or spiritual, because how can we then ask us to do what neither the celestial hierarchies meet or do?.

"... They're going to ask," What's your name? "And then what did I say?.

And God said:

I am who I am. And say to the Israelites: The Lord, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, has sent me to you.

This is my everlasting name, that is my name forever. "
(Exodus 3: 13-15)


As a play on words the Elohim did not answer directly, but they launched an enigma: "I am who I am" ...

Until then, as I said earlier, had used the plural "we" to refer to the deity or the Rangers (Elohim) is now talking about the first person singular, but not provided a name (Yahweh or Jehovah not a name, is like saying "who is" or "is").

Maybe they were fighting thus artfully having to lie or make something new and compelling, for which our ancestors were not prepared, and thus, standing well out of the problem situation in which Moses had gotten demanding definitions.

"Oh, Lord! - Moses answered I have no way with words and this is not just yesterday and now you're talking to your servant, but for some time.

Whenever I speak my speech.

But the Lord said:

- And who has given the man's mouth? Who but I do mute, deaf or blind, or you can see?

So, go, I will be with you when you speak, and teach you what you should say.

Moses said:

Oh Lord, please send someone else!

Then the Lord became angry with Moses and said:

Well there's your brother Aaron the Levite! I know he speaks very good (...)

Aaron will speak to you as if myself and Aaron in turn inform the people ... "
(Exodus 4.10 to 16)

"When you get to Egypt, pay careful attention to the wonders before Pharaoh which I have given the power to perform.

For my part, I will make him put stubborn and do not let the Israelites go. " (Exodus 4, 21-22)


Moses receives the mission to address the people, but there was one problem: he did not speak Hebrew. He was educated in the house of Pharaoh and was unrelated to language.

The Torah and the Talmud (book of Jewish rabbis comments) try to salvage the situation by arguing that the main problem was that Moses was "stuttering" (which was hard on his ego nationalist rabbis, have to consider your liberating not speak the holy language of Hebrew).

Nothing more ridiculous to argue that he had difficulty with words.

Furthermore, if indeed it was God who was involved, could solve the problem in a split second.

Rather the idea of ​​using Aaron as a translator, I do not think you liked the Elohim much either, for they knew it could happen (and in fact did) that the thing is transformed into an ill-fated phone.

At the end of an era that Moses received the message of the Elohim, another that he understood, one which he shared with Aaron Aaron else who understood and another who came to convey to the people (manipulating many times in a convenient, because Aaron was not a very reliable, and had many weaknesses shown).

Why this double game of pressuring Moses had a poor price on his head in Egypt (though he claimed they had killed those who were persecuting him) to lead the people with signs and wonders, and then harden the heart of Pharaoh?

As if this situation does not make sense, but yet, when what was needed was not to be converted staffs into snakes, and seasonal pests gimmicky martyred people and animals (innocent of any wrongdoing.), But rather with common sense, positively predispose people not putting them against.

"Along the way, in the place where Moses and his family were to spend the night, the Lord came to meet Moses and wanted to kill him.

Then Zipporah took a flint knife and cut off the foreskin of her son. "(Exodus 4, 24-25)


Again we find a character that has little of the divine, and demonic.

The behavior is typically schizophrenic.

On the one hand Elohim sends a mission, and half way (change your mind?), He goes on the prowl to kill himself. A really crazy ...

It be that as the word or term Elohim meant various types of beings and crews, with groups often disagreed among themselves in their performance, in this regard had divided opinions among them.

This could explain the contradictions, and very dangerous to humans who were in the midst of their decisions.

"'Tell Aaron to take his stick and his arm extended over the rivers, streams, ponds and reservoirs of Egypt, on anything that has water, that will become blood." (Exodus 7.19)


As the story of the Exodus was written several centuries after the events occurred, not surprisingly, has varied over time.

Precisely the scribes of Solomon only vaguely remembered what had been the life of the people of Israel enslaved in Egypt.

Because that would explain the emphasis placed on the ten plagues with which he punished the country.

These pests were mostly recurring events that were usually as a result of rains in the heart of Africa and the Nile floods, which meant fertility, to bog down the whole territory.

Every year, six months a year, this always happened.

Therefore, we can ensure that Moses never told Pharaoh that the river was going to turn into blood (he was the limo and the red earth of the desert swept away by the flood), or that would plague of frogs, mosquitoes. , As that was common and frequent.

What really would have told Moses confronting Pharaoh, was that this year is advanced or delayed rains, which would be the famine in Egypt.

And this I should have known beforehand then meteorologists, who were the priests of the temples, which made their astronomical measurements observing the sky (stars, including "Sothis" or Sirius) or the river with its famous "Nilometer ".

But they knew it not warn and did as he told Moses, which produced fear in the king who proved that behind him was a superior knowledge and power.

"Then the Lord said to Moses and Aaron:

Take handfuls of ashes up, in the presence of Pharaoh. The ash into dust and spread across the country, producing sores all men and animals of Egypt. "(Exodus 9.8 to 9)


Is it that as an extreme measure the Elohim (aliens) were pressured to use some kind of chemical weapon that caused sores or blisters in people?

Obviously this plague could not be natural, nor the death of the firstborn.

They had gone hand in the little game.

Was the Glory of God an alien mothership?

"By day, the Lord was with them in a pillar of cloud, to show you the way, and at night in a pillar of fire, to give them light.

Thus they could travel by day and night ". (Exodus 13, 21)


UFO sighting typical case, the type of ship nurse or mother, perhaps in the form of large oval tube or wrapped in a cloak by way of a cloud.

There have been many cases of military and commercial pilots who have had this kind of games.

"... Put their camp in front of this place, by the sea. So Pharaoh will think, "The Israelites did not know where to go.

Are lost in the desert. "

But I will make Pharaoh stubborn set and achieved; then show my power in him and all his army, and the Egyptians shall know that I am the Lord. "
(Exodus 14.2 to 4)


Again this very dangerous double game some and hurting others, no sense.

It was much easier to soften the hearts of the persecutors, that no one suffers, or launch a mirage that would make that some were on one side and another for another, or a sand storm victims away without further pursuit.

"At that moment the angel of God and the pillar of cloud, marched in front of the Israelites, they changed their place and put behind them.

So was the pillar of cloud between the Egyptian army and the Israelites to the Egyptians was a dark cloud, but the Israelites births.

So the Egyptians could not reach the Israelites in all night.

Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the Lord sent a strong east wind blew all night and left the sea in two.

So the Lord turned the sea into dry land, dry land and the Israelites crossed it, between two walls of water, one right and one on the left. " (Exodus 14, 19-22)


Again referring to the supposed protection for the Hebrew people suspect the presence of cloud or camouflaged ship.

Certainly something seen and something to keep his distance accompanied them, the interesting thing is to verify that the same phenomenon is occurring in different parts of the world, can now, investigate the UFO phenomenon.

But as to the passage, we find that in the Hebrew text does not say who crossed the Red Sea, but by the "Sea of ​​Reeds" is that at that time there was no Suez Canal, so that the Mediterranean was not united with the Red Sea.

Rather there was a strip of lowland floodplains and wetlands, known as "Sea of ​​Reeds", the type of vegetation that covered it with strong winds and there are sometimes produced, opened a largely dry step, where could be passed on foot, but not with Pharaoh's chariots.

Here you meet again with the possibility of exaggeration and distortion product of the distance at which the events occurred, or also the alternative of historical fact, with the participation of high alien technology capable of producing what is claimed happened.

"There in the desert, aa they all began to murmur against Moses and Aaron. And he said:

Hopefully the Lord we had died in Egypt! There we sat by the fleshpots and ate until full, but you have brought us to the desert to starve us all.

Then the Lord said to Moses:

I'll will rain food from heaven.

People should go out each day and gather just enough for the day ... (Exodus 16.2 to 4)

"By the time Aaron was speaking to the Israelites, they all looked toward the wilderness, and the glory of the Lord appeared in a cloud. And the Lord spoke to Moses and said:

I heard murmuring of the Israelites.

Talk to them and say: In the evening, you eat meat, and bread eaten in the morning and were satisfied. Just know that I am the Lord your God.

That evening quail came, which filled the camp, and in the morning there was a layer of dew around the camp.

After the dew had evaporated, a very thin, like frost, remained on the surface of the desert (...) And Moses said:

This is the bread which the Lord gives them food. "(Exodus 16.10-15)


While it is true that in the Sinai desert often normally be the appearance of "Mana" as a discharge from the plant manífera Tamaris (with which today still Bedouins make sweet cakes), which appeared in the sufficient proportion to the large number of people who meant the people of Israel can not leave us amazed.

Like the appearance of the quail, which also occurred in the area.

But that was just at that moment of great tension and disagreement, and to continue indefinitely because the need was (to feed all these people daily) should lead us to reflection.

Perhaps would have been relatively easy for space civilizations, open the holds of their ships and bring down food packages, as food is now released from aircraft in impoverished areas or affected by a disaster.

Why do it from a simple and practical? What if they had not been in this case the aliens but the true God who also knows how to listen and help in the hardest times of our lives where faith begins to falter

Because one thing does not negate the other. God exists, as there would be life on other worlds and civilizations visiting us.

Everything is a matter of common sense and logic, but from an open perspective.

"I'm convinced (Jethro, Moses' father in law) that Yahweh is greater than all gods." (Exodus 18:11)


The Hebrew people was not originally monotheistic, it has become so over time, from recognizing the existence of other gods, to focus on the main God for them and their protector "Yahweh.

But this also the existence of many gods had to do with the ongoing visit of different crews beings as Wardens and Wardens, which was known to happen ..

The close encounter at Horeb

"At dawn on the third day there was thunder and lightning, and a thick cloud settled over the mountain.

A loud sound of trumpets made everyone in the camp trembled in fear.

Moses led the people outside the camp to meet the Lord, and stopped at the foot of Mt.

And Mount Sinai was smoking because Yahweh had fallen to him in the midst of fire and its smoke ascended like the smoke of a furnace, while the whole mountain trembled stoutly.

The sound of the trumpet was becoming increasingly intense, Moses spoke and Elohim answered him by a voice summon (...) and as Yahweh to Moses to the summit of the mountain, Moses went up.

Then the LORD said to Moses:

Lower, plot is not the people to Yahweh erupt and fall to observe that many!. "(Exodus 19.16-21)

"All the people saw the thunder, lightning, the sound of the trumpet and the mountain smoking: the people feared and trembled stayed away."
(Exodus 20:18)


We are in the first case of a widespread decline an appointment announced mother ship, and with a record of witnesses.

Today the reading of the Sumerian tablets by researchers Orientalists, it follows that the declines in the past in Mesopotamia, were rather ordinary.

Although the most spectacular part of the contact was reserved for very few, not allowing onlookers.

Would perhaps be that these beings (the Elohim) did not want to be discovered proving that they were so human and mortal like us?

What must be taken very careful note that some distance away from the mountain, could be due to the need to avoid radiation, such as occurs in close encounters when one must wait to be invited to approach, as was the case of Moses.

"Do not bow down to them (images), nor serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous El, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation toward those who hate me, and instead dealing with mercy for thousands who love Me and keep My commandments. "
(Exodus 20.5-6)


He says "I am a" The "jealous." He used the word to refer to the gods in ancient Mesopotamia.

To say I am a god, would recognize that there are other (is one of several gods or guardians), placing both in the category of others, but at the same time marking their territory.

Yahweh is not presented as the true God of love, Father of the Son of man, but, immediately exposes us, showing as being selfish, jealous, hateful, threatening conditions and their appreciation and support.

Apparently, there had been a sharing of responsibilities between the aliens on earth acting as lookouts, giving the case among those who were assigned to the project contact with Abraham and his descendants (the people of Israel) would have been a that would have taken it to heart, quickly subiéndosele smoke, and rapidly losing perspective and proportion of things.

We want to educate reached impose an order of terror.

"Behold I send my angel before you to take care of you on the road and take you to the place you have prepared.

Stay close to him and obey him, provoke him not because he acts on my behalf and will not forgive your sins. "
(Exodus 23.20-21)


If the message of God to the world and its creation is love, and love in its supreme exaltation is forgiveness, how can it be possible to tell us that if mankind did not behave well not be forgiven?

And why we do we forgive? It seems that we were applying the law of the funnel.

"Then Moses went up with Aaron, Nadab and Abihu and seventy of the elders of Israel, and beheld the God of Israel, under his feet was something like a sapphire tile flooring and similar in clarity to the same sky." (Exodus 24: 9-10)

"That said, Moses ascended the mountain, which was covered by a cloud. The glory of the Lord came to rest on Mount Sinai, and for six days the cloud covered it. On the seventh day the Lord called to Moses from the cloud.

The glory of the Lord appeared in the eyes of the Israelites as a consuming fire on the top of the mountain. Moses entered the cloud, went up the mountain, and stayed there forty days and forty nights. " (Exodus 24.15-18)


Moses is invited to enter directly into the immediate area of ​​the ship, looking to the floor, and the people were witness to it.

But the ship remained covered to prevent that people saw the way it was, and then get confused thinking that the divine form of God is that of a disc-shaped spacecraft or oval.

An arc copied from another

"Make a wooden box Recúbrelo (...) pure gold inside and out, and put a gold edging around it.

Let him also four gold rings and attach them on all four legs, two side and two on the other.

Make also crossbars of acacia wood, gold recúbrelos, and slip through the rings are on the sides of the hood, so it can be raised with them (...) and placed in the chest the law that I will give.

Make a lid of pure gold, measuring five feet four inches long by sixty-five feet wide, with two gold winged hammered (...) at both ends facing each other, but face to the top, and spread their wings should be above the cap by covering it with them. "
(Exodus 25, 10-20)


When you walk through the ancient Egyptian temples is the representation on the walls of the procession of the solar boat, in which the Egyptian priests carried on their shoulders the "Naos," that was a golden ark with two winged female beings at the top (the goddess Isis, guardian of the veils of hidden knowledge).

According to the Egyptian occultism in the interior of this ark were kept the "Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean" legacy of wisdom brought to Egypt by Thoth.

The request to make an Ark of the Covenant Ark Hebrew similar to Egyptian, may have been plagiarized from that seen in Egypt or make a genuine request for something similar, by the Elohim, who would be the same beings who have acted sooner and now with different people.

We know that Moses is an Egyptian name, meaning "son of". All Egyptian Pharaohs used to use the name Moses, such as Ahmose (Amen-Moses, the son of Amon), Thutmose (Thoth-Moses, the son of Thoth) and Ramses or Ramoses to (Ra-Moses, the son of Ra ).

Moses was educated in the house of Pharaoh, and probably started in the high priesthood of Amon, frequenting the shrines of the temples where the Ark was Egyptian.

It will be really or Yahweh Elohim asked him to send to make the Hebrew Ark or was simply a clever copy.

Recall that the Jewish people lived a long process of acculturation throughout its history, for example could detect some psalms attributed to King David (930 BC), are found almost verbatim in forming the Amenenope Papyri (free) Pharaoh Amenhotep III (1450 BC).

Perhaps what happened was that the absence of copyright, conventional wisdom was that it was copied and retransmitted outside their original context or with slight variations.

We also found that in Deuteronomy and Leviticus is expressly record that should not be any images.

And this is contravened the Ark itself.

They should not represent all, or the things in heaven or what is in the earth.

So if you were so strict, comes the question: why is requested that the Hebrew ark bring the two cherubim on top, if that in itself is a transgression of laws given to them by the same source?

But anyway, the Ark was not a mere artifact of worship or decoration (decorative), had an electrical charge.

Precisely at U.S. universities have sought to apply the biblical instructions to reproduce, resulting in a voltage of hundreds of volts.

The capacitor was formed by the gold plates, one positive and one negative.

So there has been speculation about possible applications including (among more liberal researchers) who were part of a radio transmitter.

Changing moods and little patience

"But when the people saw that Moses delayed to come down the mountain, they gathered around Aaron and said to him:

Come, let us elohim (gods) that they go before us (in the manner of Egypt), for this Moses, the man who brought us out of Egypt, do not know what happened to him.

Aaron answered them: start the golden earrings that hang from the ears of your wives, your sons and daughters, and bring them to me.

(...) He took from his hands, gave way to chisel and turned it into a molten calf. Then they cried. "

These are your elohim, Israel, which were made in Egypt! "When Aaron saw this, he built an altar in front of him and threw a proclamation, saying," Tomorrow shall be a feast to Yahweh. "

The next day was up early, had offered burnt offerings and victims of peace, then the people sat down to eat and drink, and then rose up to play. "(Exodus 32.1-6)

I noticed these people, and I've noticed that they are very stubborn. Now leave me alone, I'm burning with anger and I will finish them !.(...) Moses then tried to placate the face of Yahweh, your God, and said:

Why, O Lord!, Has been to inflame your anger against your people, whom you brought out of Egypt with great power and mighty hand? Why should the Egyptians able to cry, saying:

With malice has brought them forth, to slay them in the mountains and exterminate from the face of the earth (...) (...) Remember Abraham and Yahweh repented of the evil which had indicated it would do to his people. "
(Exodus 32.9 to 14)


Was truly daunting degree of ignorance of the people, which was very prone to wild primitive cults, but also had very little patience and a bad mood that Yahweh Elohim, and the worst is, that it was changing and temperamental, so to sometimes do not know what to expect with him.

Any reader will realize that he is just changing attitudes and opinions, obviously does not know everything, nor can do anything, and therefore can not in any way be confused with God.

We found a being, perhaps most advanced in certain respects, and with a great technological support for the era, perhaps with the best of intentions was playing God, trying to force people into a culture of life and a moral order but creating dependency on their selfish and manic personality.

Another fact is so disastrous performance who would later be named the high priest of Israel. ¿

Is it perhaps be influenced by the leader's brother Moses, and that saved him from certain death?

But from there to become the high priest despite being a wind vane, very accommodating, shows that there is a general tendency for the highest ecclesiastical authorities have these defectitos.

But remember the performance of Annas and Caiaphas in the New Testament.

Clothing and glass insulators for connecting

"You shall make for Aaron your brother sacred garments for honor and ornament (...)

These are the garments which must be made: breastplate, ephod, robe, coat of mail, tiara and belt.

Make garments for Aaron your brother sacred, and their children, and uses gold, scarlet, crimson and fine linen.

(...) In addition, you will make the breastplate of judgment (...) shall be square, double, a span in width.

What a fitting guarnecerás beaded with four rows of stones (...).

In the breastplate of judgment shall put the Urim and Thummim, they shall be upon Aaron's heart ... "(Exodus 28.2 to 30)

"Moses commanded to approach Aaron and his sons and washed them with water.

Then he put on his robe, girded him with the belt, I put on the robe, the ephod and set him up with ciñole ephod girdle, surrounding it.

He put on the breastplate, and placed in the breastplate the Urim and Thummim.

He also put the tiara on his head and over the tiara, placed in front of the gold plate, the crown of holiness, as Yahweh had commanded Moses. "
(Leviticus 8.6 to 10)


As the Ark a very special and dangerous object, and contacts with her and demanded the cloud experiences carefully, we find the requirement of special ornaments by the Elohim, both to be isolated to the priests, to take advantage energies released there, get online and to be able to have expansions of consciousness or deeper deposits.

For this we find the stones Urim and Thummim, which are for divination, and going on a breastplate on his chest.

The face of God

"Moses took the tent and put some distance outside the camp, and called the Tent of meeting God.

When someone wanted to inquire of the Lord, went to the store, which was outside the camp. And when Moses went to the store, all the people rose and stood at the entrance to his own tent, according to Moses with his eyes until he entered the shop.

As Moses went into it, the pillar of cloud descended and stopped at the entrance of the tent, while the Lord spoke to Moses (...)

God spoke to Moses face to face, as if speaking with a friend, and after Moses returned to the camp.

But his assistant, the young Joshua son of Nun, would not depart from inside the store. "
(Exodus 33.7 to 11)

Let me see your glory - Moses pleaded.

But the Lord replied:

I'll make all my goodness pass before thee, and will proclaim before you my name.

I will have mercy on whom I will, and have compassion on whom I will also.

But you clarified that you can not see my face, because no man can see me and live.

And the Lord said:

Look, here beside me is a rock.

When my glory passes, I will put in a hole in the rock and cover you with My hand until I have passed by.

Then take my hand, and you will see My back, but my face must not be seen. "
(Exodus 33, 19-23)


Moses had encounters were very direct, either with the manifestations of Yahweh (the cloud, fire, glow, etc) or Elohim himself inside the ship or at the foot of it.

But this being despite the degree of trust and friendship (appreciation) that began to feel for this man, would not appear as it was, not discovered, so it turns back to the spectacle.

Imagine for a moment a modern helicopter or plane changes before making an Amazonian indigenous to show off their power and encourage the ignorant in the fascination ..

 "Why have you treated us up out of Egypt, to bring us to this evil place?

There is a place of grain or figs or vines or pomegranates, nor even water to drink (...)

Take the rod, gather the community, you and Aaron thy brother, and then speak ye unto the rock before their eyes, and she will water and you'll actually waters of the rock, and give drink to the assembly and livestock " .
(Numbers 20.5 to 8)


Make unusual findings, but especially groundwater flow is known worldwide as dowsing.

This is usually a psychic power that is manifested in very sensitive or sensitized by the way.

As the rod is typically used wood or orqueta is optional because the capacity is in yourself.

According to Dr. Yves Rocard, Faculty of Sciences in Paris: "The water is filtered through a porous medium by the action of a pressure difference gives rise to electrokinetic potential (...)

These potentials are circulated in the ground about electric currents. "
These electric currents generate a weak magnetic field, perceivable by the human sensibility.

So having found water in the desert is real, and typical of the phenomena of nature, but someone must necessarily have instructed Moses about it.

Giants and fireballs

 "For only Og king of Bashan remained of the remnant of the giants.

His bed was of iron, is it preserved in Rabbath of the Ammonites?

Its length is nine cubits, and its width four cubits, according to the cubit of a man. "
(Deuteronomy 3.11)


A bed four feet in length was very impressive, and unless the person liked the play or sleep well accompanied, for someone really was huge.

But is not the only case mentioned in the Bible.

"On your computer, always wear a stake, so that when they do their needs, make a hole with the pin and then when finished, clogged with dirt excrement.

For Gd walks among you, in the camp to protect them and give them victory over their enemies, so camp you must be a holy place (clean), that God does not see anything indecent about it, because of the otherwise turn away from you. "
(Deuteronomy 23: 13-14)


A look Elohim Hebrew visited the camp incognito, and it bothered him a lot of odor and filth, to the extent that threatened to leave if not installed portable toilets will be stepped ...(¿ something?).

But how were these visits? One of the most common UFO phenomena today are "Canéplas," "Cat's Eye" or smart luminous spheres, which are usually controlled television cameras remotely from alien spacecraft to observe everything.

They usually measure about a foot and the larger one and a half or three feet in diameter.

They are silver, red, orange, green, yellow or even completely transparent.

They are usually hosted on the basis of short-range aircraft (commonly called flying saucers), and are released at high altitude in clusters, being able to enter through the window of a house or a door.

"Yahweh came from Sinai flashed them from Seir, shone forth from Mount Paran, and came to strife in Kadesh, the law of fire at his right hand." (Deuteronomy 33.2)


Fireballs ¿? Swords of fire? 

What is it that shines and shines beyond all possible symbolic reference? 

Maybe watching UFO or spacecraft in which came the Elohim, or those carrying one who was known as Yahweh?

"When Joshua was near Jericho, he looked up and saw a man standing before him, who had a sword in his hand. And Joshua went to him and said: "Are you for us or for our adversaries?"

He answered, "No, but as commander of the armies of the Lord am I now come." And Joshua fell on his face to the ground, and worshiped, and said, "What saith my lord unto his servant?"

(Joshua 5: 13-14)


Here the story we mentioned a close encounter of the third kind with a being (alien infiltrated the Hebrew lines) which is armed, and they'll take sides, or whether they will participate by supporting the side of the hosts of Joshua, which shows that these beings had trouble staying out of concrete actions that favor this or that.

Victims of an extraterrestrial technology

"Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, taking two separate censers, put fire in them, placed incense on it and offered an irregular fire before the Lord that He had commanded.

Then he went out fire from the LORD and devoured them, and they died "...( Leviticus 10: 1-2)

"They moved, in effect, the Ark of the God of Israel. But as she was taken, the hand of Yahweh originated in the city, wounding huge disruption to the people of the city, the big guy, and they found tumors (...) (I Samuel 5: 8-9)
"... Among the people of Beth-shemesh (was sad), because they had peeked around the ark of Yahweh, and killed seventy of them men.

So the people were full of grief for having inflicted the Lord to the people such punishment. "
(I Samuel 6, 19)

"But when they reached the age of Nakon, Uzzah reached out his hand to the ark of God and grabbed her, because the oxen were going to capsize.

Yahweh's anger was kindled against Uzzah and struck him there for such negligence LORD, and died right there ... "
(II Samuel 6.6 -7)


The radioactive properties of the Ark of the Covenant and the voltage was capable of producing made to King David himself fear it.

The central temple as communications

"And he cast two bronze pillars, the height of each one was eighteen cubits, and surrounded on either a line of twelve cubits (...).

He also made two capitals of cast bronze to set upon the heads of the columns (...).

There were way network braids and cords by way of chains, for the capitals which were to be put on the tops of the pillars, seven for each capital "" (I Kings 7, 15-17)

"And the priests brought the ark of the covenant of Elohim in place in the sanctuary of the home in the holy of holies under the wings of the cherubim."
(I Kings 8, 6)

"I have heard the prayer and supplication that you have made before Me: I have hallowed this house that you built, I settled my name there forever, and my eyes and my heart will be there every day." (I Kings 9, 3)

"The priests could not enter the House of Yahweh, because Yahweh's glory filled the house.

All the children of Israel saw the fire come down and the glory of Yahweh over the house, leaned on his face "...
(II Chronicles 7.2 to 3)


On the death of King David, ruler of the glorious, just and wise king Solomon, rushing to the laborious task of building the temple cast his father alive, but could not achieve.

Solomon is a fascinating character and out of range, much of its history is surrounded by extraordinary events and situations.

According to rabbinic literature, among its many treasures and possessions had a strange, giant eagle, with which it could soar to the skies at speeds staggering.

As for the command to build temple in honor of his late father had a cubic shape, being plated on the inside with gold leaf, placing two impressive bronze columns wrapped metal strings, as a coil.

Within the cube, the king had placed the Ark of the Covenant which started behaving like a radio through which he had a communication with Elohim.

In the temple there was a physical presence, or maybe just a hologram through interaction with local Ark, but it bore witness to many.

But as to the significance of the Temple itself, worth a little reflection: if the temple had actually been for God, and He had blessed, today would still be in place, and nobody and nothing could have destroyed.

But today is a ruin, the epicenter of the most appalling hatred and fanaticism found.

That strange noise

 "And when you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the mulberry trees, then you will move, because Elohim, will come before you to beat the camp of the Philistines." (II Samuel 5, 24)

"Behold, Elohim was happening, and a great and strong wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Elohim (...).

And after the wind an earthquake (...). And after the earthquake a fire (...). And after the fire a still small voice.

When listening to Elijah covered his face with a cape, and went and stood at the entrance of the cave ..."( I Kings 19.11-13)


The presence or arrival of the Elohim (or ships) usually be preceded by a noise like a gear, or wheels in motion, or as a strong wind.

In these appointments again we find the description of the sound and demonstrations in the environment that indicate the proximity of certain types of ships of the visitors.

But this time is the witness who is the prophet Elijah.

Elijah taken to heaven

 "And it happened that they were speaking, and behold, a chariot of fire and horses of fire also stood between them, and Elijah ascended in a whirlwind into heaven.

Elisha saw it and shouted, "My father, my father, the chariot of Israel and its horsemen!" Saw him no more. "(II Kings 2: 11-12)


Elijah goes to witness an experience of the second type (close sighting and somehow, agreed) to be part of a meeting of the fifth kind, when taken out of this world by a ship as in the case of Enoch ..

Angeles exterminators and deadly weapons

"And it came out that night the angel of the Lord.

And smote in the camp of the Assyrians an hundred fourscore and five thousand: and when they arose in the morning, behold, all dead corpses. (II Kings 19:35)
"But King Hezekiah and the prophet Isaiah son of Amoz, prayed on that occasion and cried to heaven.

And the Lord sent an angel, who annihilated all the brave warriors, warlords and leaders in the camp of the King of Assyria, who was to become. " (2 Chronicles 32, 20-21)

"He cried in my ears with a loud voice, saying:" The executioners of the city have come, and every man with his hand in his destroying weapon. "

And behold, six men came from the way of the higher gate, which faces north, and each was in his hand his destroying weapon. "(Ezekiel 9.1 to 2)

"In the thick of battle from the sky appeared to the opponents five distinguished men on horses with bridles of gold, which was put in charge of the Jews.

Two of them took in half the Macabeo, and protecting him with his armor, he preserved untouched, instead throwing opponents, arrows and rays ..."( 2 Maccabees 10, 29-30)


When exterminating angels mentioned might think that is a romantic way to mention terrible plagues and epidemics, which always have decimated the human being.

But what if it had really been the case of the death angels, acting by order?

Besides this the case, as mentioned before when describing the presence of human looking beings using some sort of weapon.

These instruments do not suggest to destroy something symbolic but something real and concrete, is it high-tech weapons?.

Although as we said before, it is unethical to take sides either cash (we can avoid injustice and abuse, but abuse of force in the attempt, but would keep the chain of injustice), there times when direct action in a long escaped the limits of intervention by extraterrestrials, eager to achieve the survival of a group of people genetically programmed to perform a complicated task.

Spacecraft that inspire fear

"Just see Leviathan, either faints from fear.

If someone provokes, is furious no one is able to cope.

Who that is in front, will safely?

Nobody in the world! Not to mention its legs and unparalleled strength.

Who can take the leather that covers, or through its double protective shell? Who can open his mouth, his teeth terrible siege?

Their spines are rows of shields closed and hard as stone.

Are so tight against one another that no air can pass between them.

So they are stuck together and nobody can separate them. His sneezing is like lightning, his eyes shine like the sun at dawn.

Its snout out flares and sparks of fire escape. Of his nostrils goeth smoke as fire caldron ... "
(Job 41, 9-20)

"Again I raised my eyes and looked, and behold, four chariots out from between two mountains, and mountains were mountains of bronze.

In the first chariot were red horses in the second chariot black horses in the third chariot white horses, and the fourth car for gray horse. "(Zechariah 6, 1-3)


L a serpent or dragon Leviathan reminds us of the feathered serpent Kukulcan, their presence causes fear, its structure is like a double shell (metal), its flanks or loins are like shields (small vessels in the form of polished disks).

Mothership is the typical elongated cylinder shape.

And in this passage as the following, again citing the sighting of ships of different colors holding or leaving a mother ship.

"Meanwhile, the Lord had prepared a great fish to swallow Jonah. Jonah spent three days and three nights inside the fish. "(Jonah 1: 17)


We are facing a case of "Osni" (unidentified submarine object).

Jonah did not want to ignore, reject the request of the Lord to go to Nineveh to preach the conversion of the people, and trying to flee from Yahweh, is swallowed by a ship flying range has both in heaven and in motion water.

And for three days trying to convince him that he (the human being represented in Jonah), which develop their own change, through surrender and resignation.

There are times when compared with other actions, is that aliens become very scrupulous in their interventions, not wanting to create dependency, nor detract from the man (is that different attitudes are different?).

But they keep pushing.

If it was a whale or sperm whale which swallowed the prophet, the gastric juices of the animal had been killed.

"For the Lord comes in the midst of fire, their cars look like a whirlwind to download the fierceness of his anger and the burning flames of his punishment."
(Isaiah 66, 15)

"Then I saw that the north had been a whirlwind, leaving a large cloud of fire and lightning, and around him there was a strong glare.

In the midst of the fire shone like burnished metal thing, and in the center had something like four human-like beings.

Each had four faces and four wings (...)

The appearance of the creatures was like burning coals, or something like torches coming and going among them, the fire was bright (...)

I looked and saw those things on the ground next to each one of them had a wheel. The four wheels were equal, and the way they were made, shone like topaz.

It seemed as if each wheel within a wheel (...) had over their heads was a kind of vault, bright as crystal (...)

Above the vault I saw something that looked like a throne of sapphire and that sort of throne was someone who looked like a man. "
(Ezekiel 1, 4-26)

"I am Raphael, one of the seven angels who attend and enter before the glory of the Lord.

Both were terrified and fell on their faces full of fear. But he said:

"Fear not, peace with you, praise God for all ages. When I was with you, was not with you by my side, but by the will of God. "
(Tobias 12, 15-18)

"I saw down from heaven, another mighty angel robed in a cloud with a rainbow over his head ..."( Revelation 10.1)

"And they heard a loud voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither.

They went up to heaven in a cloud, and their enemies beheld them. "(Revelation 11.12)


Linking angels with clouds, lights, glare and heat coming to intimidate enemies as we have seen, has been repeated as a constant throughout the Bible.
But here we find passages that warn the return of the ships, but as more radical action or a direct contact.

The vision of Ezekiel, a priest in exile in Babylon, by the river Chebar, was the scientist Joseph Blumrich (consultant to NASA spacecraft design) to design, how it must have been the ship that looked at the prophet.

And the funny thing is that a ship similar to the model made by scientist, type the command module, was seen shortly afterwards (1980), flying over the area in Mexico Cocoyoc

Overseeing the offspring

 "In Zorah, of the tribe of Dan, a man whose name was Manoah. His wife never had children because she was barren.

But the angel of the Lord appeared to her and said, "You've never been able to have children but now you get pregnant and have a child."
(Judges 13.2 to 3)

"... When the fire came from the altar, Manoah and his wife saw the angel of the Lord up to heaven in the midst of the flames."
(Judges 13:20)

"Yahweh visited, indeed, to Hannah, she conceived and bore three sons and two daughters." (I Samuel 2: 21)

"And an angel of the Lord standing on the right of the altar of incense, it was seen. Zechariah was startled to see, and fear overcame him.

But the angel said "Fear not, Zacharias, for your prayer has been heard, and your wife Elizabeth will have given you a son, whom you call his name John" ...
(Luke 1.11-13)

"In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee named Nazareth was, to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David, and the maiden name was Mary. ( ...)

Look, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son she will name him Jesus.

He will be great, be called the Son of the Most High, the Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and his kingdom will never end.

Mary asked the angel: - How can this be, seeing I know not man?.

The angel replied: 'The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will come under its shadow so what will be born will be called holy, the Son of God. "
(Luke 1: 26-35)


From Abraham his descendants was contacted, operated, supervised, and even redirected over and over again.

We find in the course of history of Israel as impossible as many conceptions: the birth of Isaac, Esau and Jacob, Joseph and Benjamin, Samson, Samuel, Mary the Virgin, John the Baptist and even Jesus himself.

If the intention was to maintain the original genetic program, had to make great efforts, because despite being warned not to mix the blood, there was always a mixture of the Israelites with the neighboring towns.

The same Abraham his first son took Hagar the Egyptian servant, Moses was married Zipporah, a Midianite (between Arab and Egyptian) with whom he had children, the wife of Joseph, viceroy of Egypt, was an Egyptian and had children with her; There are as many other examples.

But the purpose of such a program aimed at creating the conditions for the end of a long process Jesus was born.

The birth of the Messiah

"Precisely in that country there were shepherds camping out in the open at night to save his flock, and an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the splendor of the Lord shone around light, and they feared with a great fear.

But the angel said unto them, Fear not therefore give you good news of great joy which shall be to all people: to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.

And you have this sign: you will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.

And suddenly with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying: - Glory to God in the highest! And on earth peace among men of good will.

And it happened that when the angels were separated from them to heaven, the shepherds said to one another: 'Come on, we go to Bethlehem and see this event which the Lord made known to us. "
(Luke 2, 8-15)


The birth of Jesus was a momentous event in his simplicity and humility, which involved both the simplest people of that time, as were the shepherds, as well as high celestial hierarchies (aliens).

Remember this important symbol, as Abraham and his descendants were originally shepherds, selected by aliens and Jesus continually repeats the figure of the "Good Shepherd", who maintains contact with angels.

The fact that today we can connect many of the apparitions of angels with beings from other worlds, does not deny the actual existence of beings from other dimensions, or true angels who did not have a physical embodiment, and is also manifest.

The UFO of Bethlehem

 "... Went on the road (the Magi), and suddenly the star they had seen in the East went before them until, came and stood over where the child was.

When they saw the star felt great joy. "
(Matthew 2: 9-10)


The star of Bethlehem that guided the wise Chaldean astronomers and astrologers had not normal behavior.

It could not be a star that moved and even stopped, also was seen regardless of day and night, ruling that it was a comet, a planetary conjunction, or a celestial phenomenon.

We are faced with a typical UFO sighting in which there is even a purpose: direct signaling by these beings in a place and event, and that led the magi to the right spot, and even marked it with the game of his movements and parking.

Important Information

 "... There is nothing hidden that will not be uncovered, nothing hidden that will not be known."
(Matthew 10:26)

"In my father's house there are many places to live, if not, I would have said, I go to prepare a place".
(John 14, 2)

"I have other sheep not of this fold" ...
(John 10.16)


The Gospels warn that a time will be cleared up all mysteries and all the secrets conqueror, so that humanity will be living with another vision.

It also clearly states that there are other worlds that we have brothers there, which gives life a beautiful and wonderful comfort.

The Transfiguration on Mount Tabor

"After six days Jesus took Peter, James and John his brother, the single climbed a high mountain (Tabor).

And he was transfigured before them, and his face shone like the sun, and his clothes became white as light. And suddenly stopped seeing them Moses and Elijah, talking with him.

Then Peter answered and said to Jesus:

Sir, you better stay here, if you want, I can here three tabernacles: one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.

He was still speaking when suddenly a bright cloud. And suddenly sounded a voice from the cloud, saying:

'This is my beloved Son, which pleases me, Listen to him! "
(Matthew 17.1-5)


A new close encounter recalls the experiences of Exodus (the light and the cloud), but now the witnesses are three of the apostles, who see Jesus come into contact with two people who disappeared between eight and thirteen centuries before it carried out world.

From that moment became official that Jesus is the culminating work begun by these characters.

Ships involving Prophecies

 "Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her light, the stars fall from heaven, and the forces of heaven be shaken.

And then appear in the sky "signal" of the Son of man, and will see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

Send his angels with a trumpet sound, and will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end to the sky. "(Matthew 24, 29-31)

"There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars, and on earth will be prey to distress of nations, perplexed by the roar of the sea and the waves, while the men go mad with fear and anxiety about everything will come upon the world, as the forces of heaven be shaken.

And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. When this begins to happen, stands up and raise your heads because your redemption has arrived. "
(Luke 21, 25-28)


We know that the prophecies are always a warning of what can happen if we do not do anything about it.

But there are certain prophecies to the contrary, we must do our utmost to fulfill them.

In this sense we see that it speaks of a very bleak future outlook, which would be involving the return of Christ in the clouds or ships, accompanied by angels or aliens.

Is it that the increase of climate change and planetary as well as UFO sightings in the world is anticipating this defining moment?

Time will tell ...

What happened when Jesus died?

 "It was about the sixth hour when there was darkness all over the country until the ninth hour, while the sun.

And the curtain of the sanctuary was torn in half. Giving a voice said Jesus: "Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit" "
(Luke 23.44-46)


It has been much speculation regarding the alleged eclipse that accompanied the death of Rabbi of Galilee, unjustly crucified.

But what if it was something located so that only happened on that area? (As in the case of Fatima, where the "Sun Dance", a giant UFO that resembled the sun, was seen by over 70,000 people in a radius of 60 km)

Could it be that a large ship, located between the Sun and Earth at that time furnish its shadow over all of Jerusalem and its surroundings.

This is not surprising we should remember that ships have been detected up to 450 km in diameter flying the Chilean Patagonia.

The ship or cloud that gathered to Jesus

 "For his part, Lord Jesus, after he had spoken, was taken up into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God" ...
(Mark 16:19)

"The pulled out as far as Bethany, and lifting up his hands and blessed them.

And it happened that, while he blessed them, he parted from them and was taken to heaven. And worship them after, they returned to Jerusalem with great joy "...
(Luke 24.50-52)

"And after that it rose as they watched, and picked up a cloud hiding their eyes.

And as they were gazing into heaven as he went, they had suddenly two men in white robes, who said:

-Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven?

This Jesus risen from you into heaven, and will have seen him go into heaven ".
(Acts 1:9-11)


The apostles were witnesses of the rise in physical form (regenerated with the resurrection) of the person of Jesus to a cloud (spaceship), and immediately contacted some of the crew of that or another device (the two angels)

What John saw in Patmos

 "I turned to see the voice that spoke with me.

And when I turned I saw seven golden lampstands, and among the lampstands someone like a son of man, clothed in long robes and girt with a belt of gold to his chest, his head and hair white as white wool as snow, his eyes are like blazing fire, his feet like unto fine brass, as in the forge, glowing, his voice like the roar of oceans, had in his right hand seven stars, from his mouth came a sharp sword two edges, and its appearance was like the sun shining in its strength. "
(Revelation 1.12 to 16)

"The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden lampstands: The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, seven lampstands are the seven churches."
(Rev. 1, 20)

"After that, I saw a door standing open in heaven, and the first voice I had heard, as of a trumpet talking with me, was saying:

-Come up here, I will show you have to come after this.

Then into ecstasy: it turns out that was set in heaven with someone sitting upon a throne, and he that sat was to look like jasper and carnelian, and around the throne was a halo look like an emerald.

Around the throne, twenty-four thrones, and seated on the thrones twenty-four elders dressed in white robes before the throne (...) and there was a sea transparent, like glass. "
(Revelation 4: 1-6)


John the beloved disciple, was deported by the Roman Emperor Diomiciano to the small island of Patmos, in the Turkish coast around the year 94 of the Christian era.

There, the sole survivor of the twelve apostles, had only a vision, saw a tremendous close encounter, first of the third type (see the crew) and then transferred to the fourth type, entering that reality through an interdimensional gate (Xendra).

When we report on the seven angels of the seven Christian communities (churches), we were explaining that it was assigned to be extraplanetary each of these communities to guide them and protect them, as often occurs today with contact groups extraterrestrials.

I say this, but these must want to compare the movement to contact a religion.

I think there are enough religions on the face of the Earth to invent a new, much less in the light of beings to be material. are no better than us, and they also have much to learn.

In his experience, John the Evangelist is brought before the Council itself of the elders, or government of our galaxy, where he is instructed and warned of what might happen and how much has happened in our world.

The intention always be alert to correct.

Since human beings on our planet has there been contact with other realities, and that contact does not have to end ever.

But only the best can be restored with top positions, if re-establish contact, first with ourselves, nature, and then with others.

There's a cosmic plan, which has changed to the extent that humanity has matured and carving out their own future, but it also involves those other beings and dimensions, so come the time is definitely assume our responsibility and we face a deep knowledge of who we are, why we exist and where we go.

But the answer, like everything in life is within every one, at that .... another reality.

Do the rebells alien came to a higher plan?

"You said in your heart: The sky will climb above the stars will raise my throne high and sit on the mountain of the meeting in the confines of the North, will climb the heights of the clouds, I igualaré to Elyon" .. . (Isaiah 14.13)


It was assumed that the "gods" (Elohim or Beni'El) met regularly at a place called the "Mountain of the Assembly", at the edge of Mount zephon.

There should be accountable to the Lord of the progress of his government, may be punished but complied with the instructions.

But apparently, from the beginning there were dissenters.

Did earth was a big genetic laboratory?

"Then Elohim formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, man was constituted as a living soul." (Gen 2.7)


Although not intended as historical, anthropological or a treatise, Genesis is right to point out (what evolution has demonstrated), who after all created man appeared and was not reversed.

The human being is the latest in the evolutionary chain.

According to the scriptures is made from the raw material on earth (soil dust), but not only is matter, also has an individual soul, and spirit, which is transmitted otherwise.

In our world they would have both processes, evolution, and the foreign intervention., Sometimes parallel, and in other coinciding (simultaneously).

"So Elohim took the man and settled in the garden of Eden to till it and keep it. Then he Elohim commanded the man, saying, "Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat, but the tree of knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, because the day you eat of it you shall die. '" ( Gen 2: 16-17)

"And they began to sin against birds, and against the beasts, reptiles and fish, after they ate the flesh among them, and drank the blood.

Then he accused the violent earth. " (Enoch 7.5 to 6)


The Myth of Genesis is not Hebrew, but Sumerian origin.

Recall that Abraham lived in Ur of the Chaldeans with his father Terah, and there he was educated in the cultural heritage of this ancient town, where as pointed out by the Sumerian clay tablets, there was talk of a garden, the tree, of the serpent, the forbidden fruit (immortality) and "gods" creators.

Imagine for a moment a laboratory ship landing somewhere in Mesopotamia or Africa. Ship was a greenhouse, where seven genetic engineers called "Sowers of Life" or "Cosmic Gardeners" (the Elohim), have been sent by the government of our Galaxy, consisting of twenty-four elders Venerable Sages (Council which brings together all the worlds evolved the capacity to help and to help), they would have considered the time to accelerate the process of life on this planet Ur category (from one star system), known as Earth.

Accordingly, it would continue and increase the degree of intervention, from sporadic genetic experiments, the direct action of monitoring and observation of groups generated.

To which a group of our ancestors (Adam), are introduced in this laboratory ship, warning them to be vegetarians (is much emphasis on this, in the apocryphal book of Enoch), and should avoid eating directly from certain plants counterproductive to the evolutionary process (hallucinogenic plants), because damage the body (brain neurons), and affect the subtler vehicles, affecting the entire process (blocking the natural development of psychic potential).

"The serpent said unto the woman:

You will not die of course, is that Elohim knows that the day you eat of that (tree) will open your eyes and you will become as gods, knowing good and evil (you'll have insight). " (Gen 3:4-5)


It is natural to ask ourselves if Elohim was God, and God knows everything, why let the snake was there in the garden and tempt women?

Unless, that he himself had prepared the trap.

Obviously this can not be. But why they might have feared that human beings develop their discernment?

Were afraid of what really?

What was that we should not know?

Why so much fear from them?

It has nothing to do either God or the serpent in actual fact, to have occurred at the hands of star visitors for hundreds of thousands of years (or millions), so let us leave the snakes alone.

Here we find a story that would mention that one of the seven growers, identified with the symbol of the "snake" (symbol of knowledge and wisdom, but also of medicine), he would have behaved like an alien doctor (perhaps a Dr. Frankenstein older version or Dr. Jeckyl).

This would be prioritized research to assess what would happen with the use of those plants, but at the expense of the future of our ancestors.

"You were seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty, in Eden, garden splendid rooms, all manner of precious stones were (...), your dress and gold was a gallon of your pad and your neckline ( ...)

You were a cherub consecrated as a protector, I had established that you, were on the holy mountain of Elohim (you were one of ours), and you walked among the fiery stones.

You were perfect in your proceed from the day you were created, until iniquity found in you.

By the intensity of your traffic you have filled your inner violence and you sinned, and I've thrown from the mountain of Elohim "... (Ezekiel 28, 11-16) is Gadriel :..., "«... it is he who seduced Eve '"(Enoch 59.6)


This infamous character named Gadriel would have given the play of others, located behind the scenes to make an interference which thwarted a cosmic design.

Exist for this alien inhabitants of other planets, and also "Ultraterrestrials", which would be beings who belong to other dimensions, parallel universes and even (I recommend to consult the book "Guardians and Wardens of Worlds", editorial Errepar, Buenos Aires)

It's funny how the description of the costumes for Gadriel coincide with the much later would wear the Levitical priests on behalf of Yahweh

Then they heard noise (steps) of Elohim, who was walking through the orchard to the evening breeze, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of Elohim through the interior of the orchard trees.

Elohim then called the man, saying:

Where are you eaten anything ?...¿ tree that I commanded you not eat? (Gen 3, 8-11)


The story suggests the manifest presence of someone who takes up space and that of others, or not necessarily know everything that is happening around them, which shows that you are not speaking of God, but of these visitors, who see the project fail planned by the wrongdoing of a fellow ..

Do we fear the aliens for something we know, but we would ever know?

"Then Elohim said, Behold that has become like one of us (man) knowing good and evil!

Not long to go now his hand and take also of the tree of life, eat thereof and live forever! He cast out, as Elohim of the orchard of Eden, and put him to work the land which had been formed.

After removing the man at the east of the garden winged beings and a burning sword that was turning on all sides, to prevent anyone came to the tree of life. "(Gen 3, 22-24)


The aliens come to fear the consequences of transgression and of our character and curiosity, and we also fear us, because we corrected and improved version of themselves.

Decide then abort that part of the mission, driving our ancestors genetic laboratory.

The project was shelved and the humanity of the Earth, left to itself, in an aggressive and unstable world. So much fear that we have, or distrust, which is cordoned off the area with guards (¿robots?), And smart weapons.

What knowledge they feared that we could get to know?

In what could that hurt them?

"Then Elohim made a sign for Cain not hurt anyone finding him. Then Cain left the presence of Elohim and settled in the land of Nod, east of Eden. (There) Cain knew his wife ... "(Gen 4, 15-17)


If Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel were the only ones on earth who could find Cain other than their parents, and then where does Cain's wife? .

Also, how can it be possible that Cain went out from the presence of God, God is everywhere?.

Obviously you are not speaking of God but by another entity misinterpreted as such, and is located in a particular place in the landscape.

Leaving off the ship laboratory experiment subject to our ancestors (now powerless), they found many other hominid outside it, with whom he began to mix.

According to teachings received by groups of extraterrestrial contact: 25.000 years ago of our two great civilizations: the beings from Orion and the Pleiades have been sent to our world as Wardens and Wardens, to resume things, but while preventing anyone from interfering the process of evolution in which wild have fallen humanity.

But one of these Rangers of Orion called "Satanel" (Satan or Satan, not to be confused at all with Lucifer or Lucifer would be an outer), would interfere (but not exactly for the better), being the trigger of a tension , which eventually became what is known as "War of the Sons of Light against the Sons of Darkness" or also called the "war of the angels."

Which culminated in the deportation to our planet from the dissident leaders, who used to live for thousands of years beyond our world, prematurely aged and died here, being trapped in another dimension.

Although not all participated in the dissent Orions, who remained loyal to the Plan were replaced by beings from Sirius (Canis Major) and allowed the Orions, set on the moons of Jupiter and lie there in mining colonies, being in attitude distant observers planetary process.

Enoch, the Watchers and Fallen Angels

Was Enoch the first known abduction case?

"Like Enoch lived according to the will of Elohim, because one day he disappeared Elohim took him." (Gen 5.24)


Here we find the oldest case known of "abduction" by extraterrestrial beings, although I would argue, rather was an invitation to accompany them, although there was no return.

There hybridization and interbreeding with aliens in the past and have all the legends of ancient peoples?

"There were at that time on earth, giants, and even after that, when the sons of God (the angels of heaven) joined the daughters of men and they bore children, who are the heroes, from old men renowned ".


The Bible records a series of statements here very strong as are the existence of giant, constantly mentioned in Greek mythology and many other peoples also plays the widespread issue of sexual relations divine or heavenly beings with human mortality.

For if the angels are immaterial beings with a baby face and wings on their backs, as we have been led to believe, as explained here say openly that they had sexual contact, as if they were sailors who are leaving their family of port port.

The sexual contact may be possible but they were physical beings, and could not have children if genetics were not compatible.

As reiterated above in the Apocryphal Book of Enoch says:

"So when the children of men multiplied, in those days were born unto them beautiful and comely daughters, and the angels, the sons of heaven, saw and lusted after them, and they said among themselves:" Come on, choose women between the children of men and beget children. "

So Semyaza, his boss, said: "I fear you may not wish (really) satisfy this work, and I will be alone responsible for a great sin. '" (Enoch 6:1-4)

"So they were all two hundred, and descended upon Ardis, the summit of Mount Hermon (border of Syria and Lebanon )"...( Enoch 6.6)

"These and all others with these (angels), took wives, each chose one and began to go to them and have commerce with them, and taught them charms and enchantments, and taught them the art of cutting roots and (science) of trees. "(Enoch 7.1)


We come to name the leader of the Rangers (Pleiadians), which is "Semyaza" and the number of those involved in the terrible transgression: two hundred cosmonauts!.

But also, it shows us the beginnings of magic, witchcraft and shamanism, which originally fell on women.

Here we find an interesting explanation, because as these are their origins, it is easier to understand the irrational hatred and fear that has led to fanaticism to pursue and kill the most brutal way throughout history, who have preserved and transmitted these arts and knowledge, being always women, the worst part.

"The Lord spoke again to Raphael Azazel shackled, feet and hands, and throw it in the darkness, and open the desert which is in Dudael, and throw him there."

"And to Michael the Lord said, Go Semyaza shackled and his companions have joined women to spot them in all their impurity." (Enoch 10.4 and 11)


The idea of ​​fallen angels, there would be only of those who have rebelled Cosmic Plan or the Government of the Galaxy, but also that of a group of offenders who had sexual contact with land, which was forbidden by the visitors .

This sexual contact could have been promoted to the distance required by those exiles hybrid or mixed bodies in which embody, as they, could not have managed directly, and thus, would have left his prison as they were dying and being born, but would be subject to an oversight similar to ours previous processes (reincarnation).

"Destroy it, all voluptuous souls and the children of the guardians, because they have oppressed men." (Enoch 10, 15)


Apparently, not all children of aliens with humans were heroic, because here it is mentioned that there were some who oppressed the people, taking advantage of their vantage point, perhaps by the knowledge that handled.

"There I saw seven stars of heaven, chained together in this place, like great mountains and burning like fire."

"These stars are those who have transgressed the commandment of the Lord and they have been chained here till within ten thousand centuries, number of days of their sins." (Enoch 21.3 and 6)


Here we mention again that people would be punished Pleiadian origin.

Ships and more ships

What was it you saw in the sky at the time of the Biblical patriarchs?

"And he, after that, I saw another army of chariots (spacecraft), upon which was mounted men, and they went on the winds (in heaven), from east and west until noon.

You could hear the rumble of their cars ... "(Enoch 57.1)


There is here a clear description of the appearance of manned spacecraft from heaven coming to earth.

The flood or a cosmic catastrophe?

"He said therefore Elohim to Noah," 'The end of all creatures, as their cause the earth is full of violence, and, behold, I will destroy the earth. " (Gen 6.13)


How strange that being the "Thou Shalt Not Kill" among the most important commandments of God, is said to be going to end the violence, but using a larger and more terrible violence.

Also, what fault have animals for example, if your act is purely instinctive and natural?.

And will not the flood of Noah to do with the destruction of the legendary civilization of Atlantis?.

"Elohim smelled the pleasing odor, and said in his heart," not again curse the ground because of man, for the inclination of the human heart is evil from his youth, I will not hurt all living things, as I have . '"(Gen 8.21)


Such reflections are better suited to someone very human and temperamental, he regrets having messed up, destroying everything in a fit of temper tantrum. And it contradicts everything the God of love that Jesus taught us, and that being fair and compassionate love life, and man without reproach.

The tower of Babel and the lost knowledge

Had humanity  developed in the past telepathy?

"But Elohim came down to see the city and the tower that the men were building and thought:" They are one people and speak only one language, which is why this work has begun, and now for the world will stop .

You better go down to confuse their language so they do not understand each other. ". (Gen 11.5 to 7)


From what we temperamental malicious sabotage, malicious and incomprehensible to someone (a collective alien) who fears the progress of the human being, and doing the unspeakable to avoid, reaching powers and abilities make him forget.

Apparently the human being at that time dominated the same language: "telepathy" so that not only ideas but also transmitting emotions, so there was no deceit, no lies and hypocrisy, and this made us familiar in depth things.

The excuse given in the story, that the human being joined to heaven because he was offended by building a tower by way of stairway to heaven, is no more than that just an excuse.

The staircase was mental and spiritual, and there were those who wanted to prevent arrived perhaps higher and faster than them.

Besides the great fear that mankind apparently inspired the visitors, was that we were integrated in the same way, with an attitude of cooperation without competition and with it, we were able to be independent.

The ziggurat in Mesopotamia was astronomical observation towers, and centers of culture and knowledge expansion.

The analogies are myths and stories in other parts of the Earth, we do take more interest in the Tower of Babel.

For example, in Puebla (Mexico) mentions an ancient legend that tells of seven giants that survived the flood because they had taken refuge in a high mountain.

Once down into the valley, decided to build a huge pyramid that reached high into the sky, to protect them against future disasters.

Further, that this structure would serve to pay homage to the god Tlaloc (god of water), and as a stairway to heaven, up and to talk directly with the gods.

But the gods were offended and threw fire on the building, scattering their builders, leaving the unfinished pyramid today.

This pyramid would be to Cholula.

Abraham the contactee

Was Abraham a contact with aliens?

"One day Elohim said to Abram," leave your country, your parents and your father's house to go to the land I'll show you.

With your descendants I will be a great nation through you (...) bless all the families of the world '"(Gen 12.2)


Abraham was a Semite Heber Clan, and is called by the visitors on a mission, for it must move through their own efforts to Canaan, with all the work involved.

Were to generate more than one people (Hebrew and Arabic), which will be committed to spiritual guidance to humanity (¿correcting past mistakes?), Because as the Bible says, the message would benefit all.

"Abram went through all this region (Canaan) down to Shechem, where is the sacred oak of Moreh.

The Canaanites were then living in that region. There the Lord appeared and said: "This is the land I will give to your descendants. '" (Gen 12: 6-7)

"Back then there was a shortage of food in all the land, and Abram went to Egypt to live for some time, because there was nothing to eat at the place where he lived.

When I was coming to Egypt, Abram told Sarai his wife: "Look, I know that you're a beautiful woman, and when the Egyptians see you, they will say:" This woman is the wife of this man " .

So kill me, and you're no longer alive to stay with you. So for me to do well and do not kill me for your sake, please tell them you're my sister. "
(Gen 12, 10-13)


Today the religions that pride themselves on being descendants of the Patriarch Abraham, highlighted in the faith and willingness to follow the will of the Lord, following a blind proper way to a promised land, which as announced: flowing with milk and honey. ..

But soon after arriving to Egypt has to start because there is a great famine.

No wonder if God who was involved, had not been aware that the region was going through a bad time before sending his chosen?

Why if the relationship with the boss were so good and close, God sending solutions rains not things, food, etc?

Or was it not God?

Apparently they needed visitors to the site and, as it were.

But why that place? What is special?

The land of Canaan (now Israel), is a natural bridge between Asia and Africa.

With a vision toward the future was known that there was a must for the most important civilizations expansionary, so that was a good place to locate a group of people genetically programmed to influence the minds of other peoples.

Abraham also was a special person, besides being very clever, was also a born psychic, so I could enter with relative ease in mental communication (contact) with the visitors.

But this person (Abram or Abraham), an example of faith, know him well enough to feel we immediately disappointed.

For example, when asked his wife to pretend she was his sister, so that Egypt would not kill him.

How they might kill if one choose? Where is your faith?

How can expose your wife to prostitution in order not to get hurt it?.

Moreover, very nice and it was beautiful Sarai (all covered with thick dark fabrics as Bedouin women today, smelling everything, cracked skin from dust and sun), how could compare with the beautiful, thin, sexy young ladies of the court and the king's harem, who freely showed firm breasts, and dressed in flowing robes that left nothing to the imagination, and smelling of perfume lotus?. Well! ...

Between tastes and colors did not write the authors. And thanks to Sarah, Abraham became rich or richer than it was, receiving many gifts from Pharaoh.

He said the strange thing is that Abraham has come to feel helpless, to the extent that he had to leave the promised land )?...

And when they were close, there was no easy way to ask for help and protection, or simply were slow to arrive and act ... Very strange, no!

"Behold, my covenant is with thee (said Elohim), and shall be the father of many nations.

And your name be called any more Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham, for I have made you a father of many nations.

And you exceedingly fruitful, and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come from you. "(Gen 17.4 to 6)


As mentioned Abraham was selected and programmed by aliens genetics, so that through them should arise a human group in future act as spiritual guides for a good part of humanity.

So later we're going to find recommendations to prevent race mixing, and even new tamper with pregnancies unthinkable.

In the apocryphal "Testament of Abraham", exposes the degree of familiarity and sympathy with the visitors reached Abraham, because it says the patriarch before his death he was visited by a messenger of Elohim, who invited him to a chariot of fire with cherubim, transported to heaven able to contemplate the space.

Then he returned to his tent.

"The Lord appeared to Abraham in the forest of oaks of Mamre, as Abraham was sitting at the entrance of his tent, about noon.

Abraham looked up and saw three men standing before him. In them, he sat up quickly to meet them, bowed to the ground with the forehead, and said:

'My lord, I beg you please do not go away.

If you think good, I will ask for some water to wash the feet then rest awhile under the shade of the tree.

Since you have gone through this server where you live you, I'll bring some food to replenish his strength before moving on.

Well, okay, they replied.

(...) Abraham offered them curds and milk, and stood up to serve them while they ate under the tree.

When finished eating, visitors asked Abraham:

Where is your wife Sarah?

Here in the tent he replied.

Then one of them said:

Again next year to visit, and then your wife Sarah shall have a son.

Meanwhile, Sarah was listening all the conversation back to Abraham, at the entrance of the store.

Abraham and Sarah were very old, and Sarah had stopped having menstrual periods.

So Sarah could not keep from laughing, and thought: "How can I have it taste, now that my husband and I are so old?

But the Lord said to Abraham:

Why Sarah laugh? Do not think you can have a child despite her age?

There is something so hard that the Lord can not do it ?..."
(Gen 18.1 to 14)


Did Abraham receive the Lord how can this be, if the Bible itself says that no one has seen God and lived to tell?

One could argue that he has been seen as it is, because nobody could bear that vision.

But if God is all we are seeing God always in your creation. But this is different, before Abraham had three individuals, one of which was attributed to be the Lord, or Elohim.

You have to wonder what sir?

Also, eat, drink and rest as anybody else, and they had a good sense of humor which makes them very human.

I would say: human suspiciously!.

What happened in Sodom and Gomorrah?

"The people of Sodom and Gomorrah has a bad reputation, and their sin is so serious that I am going there to see if in fact your evil is as great as I have said. So I will know.

Two of the visitors were there to Sodom, but Abraham stood yet before the Lord. He leaned closer to him and asked:

You destroy the innocent along with the guilty? "
(Gen 18.20 to 22)

"Then began (the inhabitants of Sodom) to abuse Lot (Abraham's nephew) and approached the door to break it down, but Lot's visitors (angels) put forth their hand and put him inside the house, then closed the door, and made them blind men who were out ... "
(Gen 19.9 to 11)

"Since there are many complaints that the Lord has had on the people of this city and therefore has sent us to destroy it."
(Gen 19:13)

"... The Lord rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed them along with everyone who lived in them, and destroyed everything that grew in the valley ...

The next day morning, Abraham went to where he had been talking to the Lord; looked toward Sodom and Gomorrah, and all over the valley, and saw that the whole region up smoke like a furnace. "
(Gen 19:27)


Who will be taken to heaven gossip that Sodom was like carnival city but throughout the year?

How can it be possible that humans are so limited and these heavenly beings?

Did God himself must appear in person at the scene to establish the facts? Do not trust your skywatchers?

The same, is it not able to see the distance, all-knowing and all seeing? Or is the image of God that gives us is someone old, short-sighted and somewhat skeptical.

Obviously and no offense, this "gentleman" is nothing more than an employee of second category or the lower leagues.

And how is that to destroy the cities?

What happens again with the command to "not kill"? Or is it only applicable to humans, or what?

Take note an interesting fact, is that these beings were carrying weapons glare blindness in people of Sodom.

In addition, rain of fire descended on the area, has many elements similar to those of a nuclear explosion with their respective atomic radiation.

It may be that aliens plans cities like Sodom and Gomorrah were a bad influence on the offspring of Abraham (Canaan should become a beacon of light to the world), but from there to destroy them directly, is a contradiction to spiritual values ​​and universal laws.

And where is the promise to Noah not curse or destroy the earth again?.

These beings also commit mistakes and injustices, sometimes promising things that are not rushing to meet, or do not hesitate to break.

But beware that there are all up there as down here, and I know that there are beings very straight and true between the aliens.

Programmed offspring

"After some time, God tested Abraham's faith. He called him by name, he replied:

'Here I am

And God said:

Take Isaac, your only son whom thou lovest, and go to the land of Moriah. Once there, offer a burnt offering on the hill that I will point out.

(...) But at the time of taking the knife to slay his son, the angel of God called to him from heaven:

Abraham!, Abraham!

Here I am, 'he said.

The angel said:

Do not do any harm to the boy, because I know that you fear God, since you refused to give me not your only son. "
(Gen 22.2 and 9-12)


When Abraham arrived in Canaan, it was found that the Canaanite peoples had a very bad habit of sacrificing their firstborn sons in the top of the hills to their gods, which Abraham immediately rejected.

However, when the promise of the birth of the child, the patriarch apparently felt indebted to the Heaven for such a blessing.

This feeling may have produced the typical mentality on a game of your ego.

Yes the people who have false gods are able to sacrifice what they love? He, who loved God's true, is

It would not be able to do the same?

The extent to which these beings were not that drove Abraham to risk the life of his son, but himself?

If God knows the heart of how people are going to be tested or tempted like an imp, putting human beings on the horns of a dilemma, anxious for their children?

It was not God, neither were the aliens I think they did such a request.

But I am convinced that the angels (Ets), acted discouraging Abraham on Mount Moriah to not consummated such a crime.

In addition, both programs had cost them the son could not be allowed to frustrate their plan.

"Rebecca could not have children, so Isaac prayed to God for it. And the Lord heard his prayer and Rebekah became pregnant. "(Gen 25.21)

"And Gd appeared to him that night (Isaac), and said: I am the God of thy father: fear not, for I am with you and bless you and multiply your descendants for the sake of my servant Abraham" (Gen. 26, 24)


The meetings will continue to involve the offspring of the Patriarch, and keeping lines of communication or connection.

In addition, still births higher intervention or assistance.

Jacob and the angel, an unequal struggle?

Jacob was witnessing the decline of aliens to Earth?

"... And behold a ladder set up on earth, and its top reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it." (Gen 28.12)


If what is told, is only a dream, it has more than its symbolic spiritual significance, but if it occurred as a vision of something real, and that the impression made to believe that the witness could be a dream, we have the testimony of an observation the descent of beings on earth.

"Jacob went on his way, and angels of God met him. When Jacob saw them, said: "This is an army of God." And he called that place Mahanaim. "(Gen 32.1)


Apparently it was quite common to visitors, to the extent that it could be as relatively normal.

Jacob then he stood alone, and a man (an angel) wrestled with him until daybreak. As he saw that he could not defeat Jacob, he struck at the joint between the thigh and dislocated it. Then he said:

Let me go, as day breaks.

More Jacob said:

I will not let you go without me blessed.

The person asked:

What is your name?

He replied:


He said:

You say your name is not Jacob, but Israel, for you have striven with Elohim and with men, and hast prevailed.

Jacob then asked and said:

Tell me please your name!

He replied:

Why do you ask my name?

Then the man blessed him there. And Jacob called the place Peniel, for he said: "I have seen Elohim face to face, and yet I'm still alive."
(Gen 32, 22-30)

Now it turns out that one can get hold of whack with the angels and even God and overcome them, without creating happy with it, cosmic dire consequences. But what really happens?

Training are lacking in high places? Did not make the angels as before?

Again, the obvious is that these beings as God or as misunderstood angels (although they were messengers) are not powerful and not always protected or supported by their paraphernalia.

But not without some "class" (though the blows), and to maintain the atmosphere of mystery, talking without saying much, with a cryptic attitude.

However, these characters had very peculiar behavior, or were misinterpreted in many ways by the ignorance of the time.

The bush and the pillar of cloud

Moses had a close encounter of the third kind on Mount Horeb?

"(...) Did (Moses) to the mountain of God, called Horeb.

There the angel of the Lord appeared in a flame of fire out of a bush. Moses set well and realized that the bush burned with fire but not consumed.

Then he thought: "What a strange thing! I see why the bush is not consumed. "

When the LORD saw that he was coming to look, God called from the bush

Moses, Moses!

Here I am, replied Moses.

Then God said:

Do not approach. And descálzate, for the place whereon thou standest is holy.

He added:

I am the God of your ancestors. I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Moses hid his face, for he was afraid to look at God, but the Lord kept telling her:

Clearly I have seen my people who are suffering in Egypt. I've heard them complain because of their slave drivers, and I know what they suffer.

So I came down, to rescue them from the Egyptians, I will remove them from that country and bring them to a great and good land where milk and honey flow like water.

It is the country inhabited by the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites ... "

(Exodus 3:3-8)


The appearances of the visitors tend to be surrounded by light or fire events, and other strange noises, but this time, we find a natural, real and current.

The type of bush in question has a concentration of oil in its branches makes under certain circumstances, even today, lights on fire but not consumed.

Could this have been used by the Elohim to bring in a simple curiosity of Moses, and that once these things to leave, every time you return to produce the same phenomenon, people feel the consolation of heavenly company .?

The people of Israel were living in Egypt was four hundred years, of which one is better, and had been in slavery, and without merit.

The big question is: why was allowed to be enslaved Chosen People and abused for so long, and has remained faithful to their God?

How can it be possible that "God" (which can not be, I repeat, the true God) tells Moses that has clearly seen the affliction of the people?

It was not clear that before?

Why took so long to realize and to act? Also, how is it that has gone down?.

If God is everywhere, and not have to go down as if it were a cosmonaut orbiting the planet is waiting for better conditions.

But if it were an alien, it does explain why they left in a safe place four hundred years ago the people, and as time stands still for them as for us, become a little while (to them), and find what they left in crisis .

The aliens know that they should no longer intervene directly (they can but they should not) because things change.

In the past I did and was more damaging than constructive.

But we see that in some aspects remain the same arbitrary, as to help one going to hurt the other, such as land take from some to give to others.

This is not fair or spiritual, because how can we then ask us to do what neither the celestial hierarchies meet or do?.

"... They're going to ask," What's your name? "And then what did I say?.

And God said:

I am who I am. And say to the Israelites: The Lord, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, has sent me to you.

This is my everlasting name, that is my name forever. "
(Exodus 3: 13-15)


As a play on words the Elohim did not answer directly, but they launched an enigma: "I am who I am" ...

Until then, as I said earlier, had used the plural "we" to refer to the deity or the Rangers (Elohim) is now talking about the first person singular, but not provided a name (Yahweh or Jehovah not a name, is like saying "who is" or "is").

Maybe they were fighting thus artfully having to lie or make something new and compelling, for which our ancestors were not prepared, and thus, standing well out of the problem situation in which Moses had gotten demanding definitions.

"Oh, Lord! - Moses answered I have no way with words and this is not just yesterday and now you're talking to your servant, but for some time.

Whenever I speak my speech.

But the Lord said:

- And who has given the man's mouth? Who but I do mute, deaf or blind, or you can see?

So, go, I will be with you when you speak, and teach you what you should say.

Moses said:

Oh Lord, please send someone else!

Then the Lord became angry with Moses and said:

Well there's your brother Aaron the Levite! I know he speaks very good (...)

Aaron will speak to you as if myself and Aaron in turn inform the people ... "
(Exodus 4.10 to 16)

"When you get to Egypt, pay careful attention to the wonders before Pharaoh which I have given the power to perform.

For my part, I will make him put stubborn and do not let the Israelites go. " (Exodus 4, 21-22)


Moses receives the mission to address the people, but there was one problem: he did not speak Hebrew. He was educated in the house of Pharaoh and was unrelated to language.

The Torah and the Talmud (book of Jewish rabbis comments) try to salvage the situation by arguing that the main problem was that Moses was "stuttering" (which was hard on his ego nationalist rabbis, have to consider your liberating not speak the holy language of Hebrew).

Nothing more ridiculous to argue that he had difficulty with words.

Furthermore, if indeed it was God who was involved, could solve the problem in a split second.

Rather the idea of ​​using Aaron as a translator, I do not think you liked the Elohim much either, for they knew it could happen (and in fact did) that the thing is transformed into an ill-fated phone.

At the end of an era that Moses received the message of the Elohim, another that he understood, one which he shared with Aaron Aaron else who understood and another who came to convey to the people (manipulating many times in a convenient, because Aaron was not a very reliable, and had many weaknesses shown).

Why this double game of pressuring Moses had a poor price on his head in Egypt (though he claimed they had killed those who were persecuting him) to lead the people with signs and wonders, and then harden the heart of Pharaoh?

As if this situation does not make sense, but yet, when what was needed was not to be converted staffs into snakes, and seasonal pests gimmicky martyred people and animals (innocent of any wrongdoing.), But rather with common sense, positively predispose people not putting them against.

"Along the way, in the place where Moses and his family were to spend the night, the Lord came to meet Moses and wanted to kill him.

Then Zipporah took a flint knife and cut off the foreskin of her son. "(Exodus 4, 24-25)


Again we find a character that has little of the divine, and demonic.

The behavior is typically schizophrenic.

On the one hand Elohim sends a mission, and half way (change your mind?), He goes on the prowl to kill himself. A really crazy ...

It be that as the word or term Elohim meant various types of beings and crews, with groups often disagreed among themselves in their performance, in this regard had divided opinions among them.

This could explain the contradictions, and very dangerous to humans who were in the midst of their decisions.

"'Tell Aaron to take his stick and his arm extended over the rivers, streams, ponds and reservoirs of Egypt, on anything that has water, that will become blood." (Exodus 7.19)


As the story of the Exodus was written several centuries after the events occurred, not surprisingly, has varied over time.

Precisely the scribes of Solomon only vaguely remembered what had been the life of the people of Israel enslaved in Egypt.

Because that would explain the emphasis placed on the ten plagues with which he punished the country.

These pests were mostly recurring events that were usually as a result of rains in the heart of Africa and the Nile floods, which meant fertility, to bog down the whole territory.

Every year, six months a year, this always happened.

Therefore, we can ensure that Moses never told Pharaoh that the river was going to turn into blood (he was the limo and the red earth of the desert swept away by the flood), or that would plague of frogs, mosquitoes. , As that was common and frequent.

What really would have told Moses confronting Pharaoh, was that this year is advanced or delayed rains, which would be the famine in Egypt.

And this I should have known beforehand then meteorologists, who were the priests of the temples, which made their astronomical measurements observing the sky (stars, including "Sothis" or Sirius) or the river with its famous "Nilometer ".

But they knew it not warn and did as he told Moses, which produced fear in the king who proved that behind him was a superior knowledge and power.

"Then the Lord said to Moses and Aaron:

Take handfuls of ashes up, in the presence of Pharaoh. The ash into dust and spread across the country, producing sores all men and animals of Egypt. "(Exodus 9.8 to 9)


Is it that as an extreme measure the Elohim (aliens) were pressured to use some kind of chemical weapon that caused sores or blisters in people?

Obviously this plague could not be natural, nor the death of the firstborn.

They had gone hand in the little game.

Was the Glory of God an alien mothership?

"By day, the Lord was with them in a pillar of cloud, to show you the way, and at night in a pillar of fire, to give them light.

Thus they could travel by day and night ". (Exodus 13, 21)


UFO sighting typical case, the type of ship nurse or mother, perhaps in the form of large oval tube or wrapped in a cloak by way of a cloud.

There have been many cases of military and commercial pilots who have had this kind of games.

"... Put their camp in front of this place, by the sea. So Pharaoh will think, "The Israelites did not know where to go.

Are lost in the desert. "

But I will make Pharaoh stubborn set and achieved; then show my power in him and all his army, and the Egyptians shall know that I am the Lord. "
(Exodus 14.2 to 4)


Again this very dangerous double game some and hurting others, no sense.

It was much easier to soften the hearts of the persecutors, that no one suffers, or launch a mirage that would make that some were on one side and another for another, or a sand storm victims away without further pursuit.

"At that moment the angel of God and the pillar of cloud, marched in front of the Israelites, they changed their place and put behind them.

So was the pillar of cloud between the Egyptian army and the Israelites to the Egyptians was a dark cloud, but the Israelites births.

So the Egyptians could not reach the Israelites in all night.

Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the Lord sent a strong east wind blew all night and left the sea in two.

So the Lord turned the sea into dry land, dry land and the Israelites crossed it, between two walls of water, one right and one on the left. " (Exodus 14, 19-22)


Again referring to the supposed protection for the Hebrew people suspect the presence of cloud or camouflaged ship.

Certainly something seen and something to keep his distance accompanied them, the interesting thing is to verify that the same phenomenon is occurring in different parts of the world, can now, investigate the UFO phenomenon.

But as to the passage, we find that in the Hebrew text does not say who crossed the Red Sea, but by the "Sea of ​​Reeds" is that at that time there was no Suez Canal, so that the Mediterranean was not united with the Red Sea.

Rather there was a strip of lowland floodplains and wetlands, known as "Sea of ​​Reeds", the type of vegetation that covered it with strong winds and there are sometimes produced, opened a largely dry step, where could be passed on foot, but not with Pharaoh's chariots.

Here you meet again with the possibility of exaggeration and distortion product of the distance at which the events occurred, or also the alternative of historical fact, with the participation of high alien technology capable of producing what is claimed happened.

"There in the desert, aa they all began to murmur against Moses and Aaron. And he said:

Hopefully the Lord we had died in Egypt! There we sat by the fleshpots and ate until full, but you have brought us to the desert to starve us all.

Then the Lord said to Moses:

I'll will rain food from heaven.

People should go out each day and gather just enough for the day ... (Exodus 16.2 to 4)

"By the time Aaron was speaking to the Israelites, they all looked toward the wilderness, and the glory of the Lord appeared in a cloud. And the Lord spoke to Moses and said:

I heard murmuring of the Israelites.

Talk to them and say: In the evening, you eat meat, and bread eaten in the morning and were satisfied. Just know that I am the Lord your God.

That evening quail came, which filled the camp, and in the morning there was a layer of dew around the camp.

After the dew had evaporated, a very thin, like frost, remained on the surface of the desert (...) And Moses said:

This is the bread which the Lord gives them food. "(Exodus 16.10-15)


While it is true that in the Sinai desert often normally be the appearance of "Mana" as a discharge from the plant manífera Tamaris (with which today still Bedouins make sweet cakes), which appeared in the sufficient proportion to the large number of people who meant the people of Israel can not leave us amazed.

Like the appearance of the quail, which also occurred in the area.

But that was just at that moment of great tension and disagreement, and to continue indefinitely because the need was (to feed all these people daily) should lead us to reflection.

Perhaps would have been relatively easy for space civilizations, open the holds of their ships and bring down food packages, as food is now released from aircraft in impoverished areas or affected by a disaster.

Why do it from a simple and practical? What if they had not been in this case the aliens but the true God who also knows how to listen and help in the hardest times of our lives where faith begins to falter

Because one thing does not negate the other. God exists, as there would be life on other worlds and civilizations visiting us.

Everything is a matter of common sense and logic, but from an open perspective.

"I'm convinced (Jethro, Moses' father in law) that Yahweh is greater than all gods." (Exodus 18:11)


The Hebrew people was not originally monotheistic, it has become so over time, from recognizing the existence of other gods, to focus on the main God for them and their protector "Yahweh.

But this also the existence of many gods had to do with the ongoing visit of different crews beings as Wardens and Wardens, which was known to happen ..

The close encounter at Horeb

"At dawn on the third day there was thunder and lightning, and a thick cloud settled over the mountain.

A loud sound of trumpets made everyone in the camp trembled in fear.

Moses led the people outside the camp to meet the Lord, and stopped at the foot of Mt.

And Mount Sinai was smoking because Yahweh had fallen to him in the midst of fire and its smoke ascended like the smoke of a furnace, while the whole mountain trembled stoutly.

The sound of the trumpet was becoming increasingly intense, Moses spoke and Elohim answered him by a voice summon (...) and as Yahweh to Moses to the summit of the mountain, Moses went up.

Then the LORD said to Moses:

Lower, plot is not the people to Yahweh erupt and fall to observe that many!. "(Exodus 19.16-21)

"All the people saw the thunder, lightning, the sound of the trumpet and the mountain smoking: the people feared and trembled stayed away."
(Exodus 20:18)


We are in the first case of a widespread decline an appointment announced mother ship, and with a record of witnesses.

Today the reading of the Sumerian tablets by researchers Orientalists, it follows that the declines in the past in Mesopotamia, were rather ordinary.

Although the most spectacular part of the contact was reserved for very few, not allowing onlookers.

Would perhaps be that these beings (the Elohim) did not want to be discovered proving that they were so human and mortal like us?

What must be taken very careful note that some distance away from the mountain, could be due to the need to avoid radiation, such as occurs in close encounters when one must wait to be invited to approach, as was the case of Moses.

"Do not bow down to them (images), nor serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous El, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation toward those who hate me, and instead dealing with mercy for thousands who love Me and keep My commandments. "
(Exodus 20.5-6)


He says "I am a" The "jealous." He used the word to refer to the gods in ancient Mesopotamia.

To say I am a god, would recognize that there are other (is one of several gods or guardians), placing both in the category of others, but at the same time marking their territory.

Yahweh is not presented as the true God of love, Father of the Son of man, but, immediately exposes us, showing as being selfish, jealous, hateful, threatening conditions and their appreciation and support.

Apparently, there had been a sharing of responsibilities between the aliens on earth acting as lookouts, giving the case among those who were assigned to the project contact with Abraham and his descendants (the people of Israel) would have been a that would have taken it to heart, quickly subiéndosele smoke, and rapidly losing perspective and proportion of things.

We want to educate reached impose an order of terror.

"Behold I send my angel before you to take care of you on the road and take you to the place you have prepared.

Stay close to him and obey him, provoke him not because he acts on my behalf and will not forgive your sins. "
(Exodus 23.20-21)


If the message of God to the world and its creation is love, and love in its supreme exaltation is forgiveness, how can it be possible to tell us that if mankind did not behave well not be forgiven?

And why we do we forgive? It seems that we were applying the law of the funnel.

"Then Moses went up with Aaron, Nadab and Abihu and seventy of the elders of Israel, and beheld the God of Israel, under his feet was something like a sapphire tile flooring and similar in clarity to the same sky." (Exodus 24: 9-10)

"That said, Moses ascended the mountain, which was covered by a cloud. The glory of the Lord came to rest on Mount Sinai, and for six days the cloud covered it. On the seventh day the Lord called to Moses from the cloud.

The glory of the Lord appeared in the eyes of the Israelites as a consuming fire on the top of the mountain. Moses entered the cloud, went up the mountain, and stayed there forty days and forty nights. " (Exodus 24.15-18)


Moses is invited to enter directly into the immediate area of ​​the ship, looking to the floor, and the people were witness to it.

But the ship remained covered to prevent that people saw the way it was, and then get confused thinking that the divine form of God is that of a disc-shaped spacecraft or oval.

An arc copied from another

"Make a wooden box Recúbrelo (...) pure gold inside and out, and put a gold edging around it.

Let him also four gold rings and attach them on all four legs, two side and two on the other.

Make also crossbars of acacia wood, gold recúbrelos, and slip through the rings are on the sides of the hood, so it can be raised with them (...) and placed in the chest the law that I will give.

Make a lid of pure gold, measuring five feet four inches long by sixty-five feet wide, with two gold winged hammered (...) at both ends facing each other, but face to the top, and spread their wings should be above the cap by covering it with them. "
(Exodus 25, 10-20)


When you walk through the ancient Egyptian temples is the representation on the walls of the procession of the solar boat, in which the Egyptian priests carried on their shoulders the "Naos," that was a golden ark with two winged female beings at the top (the goddess Isis, guardian of the veils of hidden knowledge).

According to the Egyptian occultism in the interior of this ark were kept the "Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean" legacy of wisdom brought to Egypt by Thoth.

The request to make an Ark of the Covenant Ark Hebrew similar to Egyptian, may have been plagiarized from that seen in Egypt or make a genuine request for something similar, by the Elohim, who would be the same beings who have acted sooner and now with different people.

We know that Moses is an Egyptian name, meaning "son of". All Egyptian Pharaohs used to use the name Moses, such as Ahmose (Amen-Moses, the son of Amon), Thutmose (Thoth-Moses, the son of Thoth) and Ramses or Ramoses to (Ra-Moses, the son of Ra ).

Moses was educated in the house of Pharaoh, and probably started in the high priesthood of Amon, frequenting the shrines of the temples where the Ark was Egyptian.

It will be really or Yahweh Elohim asked him to send to make the Hebrew Ark or was simply a clever copy.

Recall that the Jewish people lived a long process of acculturation throughout its history, for example could detect some psalms attributed to King David (930 BC), are found almost verbatim in forming the Amenenope Papyri (free) Pharaoh Amenhotep III (1450 BC).

Perhaps what happened was that the absence of copyright, conventional wisdom was that it was copied and retransmitted outside their original context or with slight variations.

We also found that in Deuteronomy and Leviticus is expressly record that should not be any images.

And this is contravened the Ark itself.

They should not represent all, or the things in heaven or what is in the earth.

So if you were so strict, comes the question: why is requested that the Hebrew ark bring the two cherubim on top, if that in itself is a transgression of laws given to them by the same source?

But anyway, the Ark was not a mere artifact of worship or decoration (decorative), had an electrical charge.

Precisely at U.S. universities have sought to apply the biblical instructions to reproduce, resulting in a voltage of hundreds of volts.

The capacitor was formed by the gold plates, one positive and one negative.

So there has been speculation about possible applications including (among more liberal researchers) who were part of a radio transmitter.

Changing moods and little patience

"But when the people saw that Moses delayed to come down the mountain, they gathered around Aaron and said to him:

Come, let us elohim (gods) that they go before us (in the manner of Egypt), for this Moses, the man who brought us out of Egypt, do not know what happened to him.

Aaron answered them: start the golden earrings that hang from the ears of your wives, your sons and daughters, and bring them to me.

(...) He took from his hands, gave way to chisel and turned it into a molten calf. Then they cried. "

These are your elohim, Israel, which were made in Egypt! "When Aaron saw this, he built an altar in front of him and threw a proclamation, saying," Tomorrow shall be a feast to Yahweh. "

The next day was up early, had offered burnt offerings and victims of peace, then the people sat down to eat and drink, and then rose up to play. "(Exodus 32.1-6)

I noticed these people, and I've noticed that they are very stubborn. Now leave me alone, I'm burning with anger and I will finish them !.(...) Moses then tried to placate the face of Yahweh, your God, and said:

Why, O Lord!, Has been to inflame your anger against your people, whom you brought out of Egypt with great power and mighty hand? Why should the Egyptians able to cry, saying:

With malice has brought them forth, to slay them in the mountains and exterminate from the face of the earth (...) (...) Remember Abraham and Yahweh repented of the evil which had indicated it would do to his people. "
(Exodus 32.9 to 14)


Was truly daunting degree of ignorance of the people, which was very prone to wild primitive cults, but also had very little patience and a bad mood that Yahweh Elohim, and the worst is, that it was changing and temperamental, so to sometimes do not know what to expect with him.

Any reader will realize that he is just changing attitudes and opinions, obviously does not know everything, nor can do anything, and therefore can not in any way be confused with God.

We found a being, perhaps most advanced in certain respects, and with a great technological support for the era, perhaps with the best of intentions was playing God, trying to force people into a culture of life and a moral order but creating dependency on their selfish and manic personality.

Another fact is so disastrous performance who would later be named the high priest of Israel. ¿

Is it perhaps be influenced by the leader's brother Moses, and that saved him from certain death?

But from there to become the high priest despite being a wind vane, very accommodating, shows that there is a general tendency for the highest ecclesiastical authorities have these defectitos.

But remember the performance of Annas and Caiaphas in the New Testament.

Clothing and glass insulators for connecting

"You shall make for Aaron your brother sacred garments for honor and ornament (...)

These are the garments which must be made: breastplate, ephod, robe, coat of mail, tiara and belt.

Make garments for Aaron your brother sacred, and their children, and uses gold, scarlet, crimson and fine linen.

(...) In addition, you will make the breastplate of judgment (...) shall be square, double, a span in width.

What a fitting guarnecerás beaded with four rows of stones (...).

In the breastplate of judgment shall put the Urim and Thummim, they shall be upon Aaron's heart ... "(Exodus 28.2 to 30)

"Moses commanded to approach Aaron and his sons and washed them with water.

Then he put on his robe, girded him with the belt, I put on the robe, the ephod and set him up with ciñole ephod girdle, surrounding it.

He put on the breastplate, and placed in the breastplate the Urim and Thummim.

He also put the tiara on his head and over the tiara, placed in front of the gold plate, the crown of holiness, as Yahweh had commanded Moses. "
(Leviticus 8.6 to 10)


As the Ark a very special and dangerous object, and contacts with her and demanded the cloud experiences carefully, we find the requirement of special ornaments by the Elohim, both to be isolated to the priests, to take advantage energies released there, get online and to be able to have expansions of consciousness or deeper deposits.

For this we find the stones Urim and Thummim, which are for divination, and going on a breastplate on his chest.

The face of God

"Moses took the tent and put some distance outside the camp, and called the Tent of meeting God.

When someone wanted to inquire of the Lord, went to the store, which was outside the camp. And when Moses went to the store, all the people rose and stood at the entrance to his own tent, according to Moses with his eyes until he entered the shop.

As Moses went into it, the pillar of cloud descended and stopped at the entrance of the tent, while the Lord spoke to Moses (...)

God spoke to Moses face to face, as if speaking with a friend, and after Moses returned to the camp.

But his assistant, the young Joshua son of Nun, would not depart from inside the store. "
(Exodus 33.7 to 11)

Let me see your glory - Moses pleaded.

But the Lord replied:

I'll make all my goodness pass before thee, and will proclaim before you my name.

I will have mercy on whom I will, and have compassion on whom I will also.

But you clarified that you can not see my face, because no man can see me and live.

And the Lord said:

Look, here beside me is a rock.

When my glory passes, I will put in a hole in the rock and cover you with My hand until I have passed by.

Then take my hand, and you will see My back, but my face must not be seen. "
(Exodus 33, 19-23)


Moses had encounters were very direct, either with the manifestations of Yahweh (the cloud, fire, glow, etc) or Elohim himself inside the ship or at the foot of it.

But this being despite the degree of trust and friendship (appreciation) that began to feel for this man, would not appear as it was, not discovered, so it turns back to the spectacle.

Imagine for a moment a modern helicopter or plane changes before making an Amazonian indigenous to show off their power and encourage the ignorant in the fascination ..

 "Why have you treated us up out of Egypt, to bring us to this evil place?

There is a place of grain or figs or vines or pomegranates, nor even water to drink (...)

Take the rod, gather the community, you and Aaron thy brother, and then speak ye unto the rock before their eyes, and she will water and you'll actually waters of the rock, and give drink to the assembly and livestock " .
(Numbers 20.5 to 8)


Make unusual findings, but especially groundwater flow is known worldwide as dowsing.

This is usually a psychic power that is manifested in very sensitive or sensitized by the way.

As the rod is typically used wood or orqueta is optional because the capacity is in yourself.

According to Dr. Yves Rocard, Faculty of Sciences in Paris: "The water is filtered through a porous medium by the action of a pressure difference gives rise to electrokinetic potential (...)

These potentials are circulated in the ground about electric currents. "
These electric currents generate a weak magnetic field, perceivable by the human sensibility.

So having found water in the desert is real, and typical of the phenomena of nature, but someone must necessarily have instructed Moses about it.

Giants and fireballs

 "For only Og king of Bashan remained of the remnant of the giants.

His bed was of iron, is it preserved in Rabbath of the Ammonites?

Its length is nine cubits, and its width four cubits, according to the cubit of a man. "
(Deuteronomy 3.11)


A bed four feet in length was very impressive, and unless the person liked the play or sleep well accompanied, for someone really was huge.

But is not the only case mentioned in the Bible.

"On your computer, always wear a stake, so that when they do their needs, make a hole with the pin and then when finished, clogged with dirt excrement.

For Gd walks among you, in the camp to protect them and give them victory over their enemies, so camp you must be a holy place (clean), that God does not see anything indecent about it, because of the otherwise turn away from you. "
(Deuteronomy 23: 13-14)


A look Elohim Hebrew visited the camp incognito, and it bothered him a lot of odor and filth, to the extent that threatened to leave if not installed portable toilets will be stepped ...(¿ something?).

But how were these visits? One of the most common UFO phenomena today are "Canéplas," "Cat's Eye" or smart luminous spheres, which are usually controlled television cameras remotely from alien spacecraft to observe everything.

They usually measure about a foot and the larger one and a half or three feet in diameter.

They are silver, red, orange, green, yellow or even completely transparent.

They are usually hosted on the basis of short-range aircraft (commonly called flying saucers), and are released at high altitude in clusters, being able to enter through the window of a house or a door.

"Yahweh came from Sinai flashed them from Seir, shone forth from Mount Paran, and came to strife in Kadesh, the law of fire at his right hand." (Deuteronomy 33.2)


Fireballs ¿? Swords of fire?

What is it that shines and shines beyond all possible symbolic reference?

Maybe watching UFO or spacecraft in which came the Elohim, or those carrying one who was known as Yahweh?

"When Joshua was near Jericho, he looked up and saw a man standing before him, who had a sword in his hand. And Joshua went to him and said: "Are you for us or for our adversaries?"

He answered, "No, but as commander of the armies of the Lord am I now come." And Joshua fell on his face to the ground, and worshiped, and said, "What saith my lord unto his servant?"

(Joshua 5: 13-14)


Here the story we mentioned a close encounter of the third kind with a being (alien infiltrated the Hebrew lines) which is armed, and they'll take sides, or whether they will participate by supporting the side of the hosts of Joshua, which shows that these beings had trouble staying out of concrete actions that favor this or that.

Victims of an extraterrestrial technology

"Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, taking two separate censers, put fire in them, placed incense on it and offered an irregular fire before the Lord that He had commanded.

Then he went out fire from the LORD and devoured them, and they died "...( Leviticus 10: 1-2)

"They moved, in effect, the Ark of the God of Israel. But as she was taken, the hand of Yahweh originated in the city, wounding huge disruption to the people of the city, the big guy, and they found tumors (...) (I Samuel 5: 8-9)
"... Among the people of Beth-shemesh (was sad), because they had peeked around the ark of Yahweh, and killed seventy of them men.

So the people were full of grief for having inflicted the Lord to the people such punishment. "
(I Samuel 6, 19)

"But when they reached the age of Nakon, Uzzah reached out his hand to the ark of God and grabbed her, because the oxen were going to capsize.

Yahweh's anger was kindled against Uzzah and struck him there for such negligence LORD, and died right there ... "
(II Samuel 6.6 -7)


The radioactive properties of the Ark of the Covenant and the voltage was capable of producing made to King David himself fear it.

The central temple as communications

"And he cast two bronze pillars, the height of each one was eighteen cubits, and surrounded on either a line of twelve cubits (...).

He also made two capitals of cast bronze to set upon the heads of the columns (...).

There were way network braids and cords by way of chains, for the capitals which were to be put on the tops of the pillars, seven for each capital "" (I Kings 7, 15-17)

"And the priests brought the ark of the covenant of Elohim in place in the sanctuary of the home in the holy of holies under the wings of the cherubim."
(I Kings 8, 6)

"I have heard the prayer and supplication that you have made before Me: I have hallowed this house that you built, I settled my name there forever, and my eyes and my heart will be there every day." (I Kings 9, 3)

"The priests could not enter the House of Yahweh, because Yahweh's glory filled the house.

All the children of Israel saw the fire come down and the glory of Yahweh over the house, leaned on his face "...
(II Chronicles 7.2 to 3)


On the death of King David, ruler of the glorious, just and wise king Solomon, rushing to the laborious task of building the temple cast his father alive, but could not achieve.

Solomon is a fascinating character and out of range, much of its history is surrounded by extraordinary events and situations.

According to rabbinic literature, among its many treasures and possessions had a strange, giant eagle, with which it could soar to the skies at speeds staggering.

As for the command to build temple in honor of his late father had a cubic shape, being plated on the inside with gold leaf, placing two impressive bronze columns wrapped metal strings, as a coil.

Within the cube, the king had placed the Ark of the Covenant which started behaving like a radio through which he had a communication with Elohim.

In the temple there was a physical presence, or maybe just a hologram through interaction with local Ark, but it bore witness to many.

But as to the significance of the Temple itself, worth a little reflection: if the temple had actually been for God, and He had blessed, today would still be in place, and nobody and nothing could have destroyed.

But today is a ruin, the epicenter of the most appalling hatred and fanaticism found.

That strange noise

 "And when you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the mulberry trees, then you will move, because Elohim, will come before you to beat the camp of the Philistines." (II Samuel 5, 24)

"Behold, Elohim was happening, and a great and strong wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Elohim (...).

And after the wind an earthquake (...). And after the earthquake a fire (...). And after the fire a still small voice.

When listening to Elijah covered his face with a cape, and went and stood at the entrance of the cave ..."( I Kings 19.11-13)


The presence or arrival of the Elohim (or ships) usually be preceded by a noise like a gear, or wheels in motion, or as a strong wind.

In these appointments again we find the description of the sound and demonstrations in the environment that indicate the proximity of certain types of ships of the visitors.

But this time is the witness who is the prophet Elijah.

Elijah taken to heaven

 "And it happened that they were speaking, and behold, a chariot of fire and horses of fire also stood between them, and Elijah ascended in a whirlwind into heaven.

Elisha saw it and shouted, "My father, my father, the chariot of Israel and its horsemen!" Saw him no more. "(II Kings 2: 11-12)


Elijah goes to witness an experience of the second type (close sighting and somehow, agreed) to be part of a meeting of the fifth kind, when taken out of this world by a ship as in the case of Enoch ..

Angeles exterminators and deadly weapons

"And it came out that night the angel of the Lord.

And smote in the camp of the Assyrians an hundred fourscore and five thousand: and when they arose in the morning, behold, all dead corpses. (II Kings 19:35)
"But King Hezekiah and the prophet Isaiah son of Amoz, prayed on that occasion and cried to heaven.

And the Lord sent an angel, who annihilated all the brave warriors, warlords and leaders in the camp of the King of Assyria, who was to become. " (2 Chronicles 32, 20-21)

"He cried in my ears with a loud voice, saying:" The executioners of the city have come, and every man with his hand in his destroying weapon. "

And behold, six men came from the way of the higher gate, which faces north, and each was in his hand his destroying weapon. "(Ezekiel 9.1 to 2)

"In the thick of battle from the sky appeared to the opponents five distinguished men on horses with bridles of gold, which was put in charge of the Jews.

Two of them took in half the Macabeo, and protecting him with his armor, he preserved untouched, instead throwing opponents, arrows and rays ..."( 2 Maccabees 10, 29-30)


When exterminating angels mentioned might think that is a romantic way to mention terrible plagues and epidemics, which always have decimated the human being.

But what if it had really been the case of the death angels, acting by order?

Besides this the case, as mentioned before when describing the presence of human looking beings using some sort of weapon.

These instruments do not suggest to destroy something symbolic but something real and concrete, is it high-tech weapons?.

Although as we said before, it is unethical to take sides either cash (we can avoid injustice and abuse, but abuse of force in the attempt, but would keep the chain of injustice), there times when direct action in a long escaped the limits of intervention by extraterrestrials, eager to achieve the survival of a group of people genetically programmed to perform a complicated task.

Spacecraft that inspire fear

"Just see Leviathan, either faints from fear.

If someone provokes, is furious no one is able to cope.

Who that is in front, will safely?

Nobody in the world! Not to mention its legs and unparalleled strength.

Who can take the leather that covers, or through its double protective shell? Who can open his mouth, his teeth terrible siege?

Their spines are rows of shields closed and hard as stone.

Are so tight against one another that no air can pass between them.

So they are stuck together and nobody can separate them. His sneezing is like lightning, his eyes shine like the sun at dawn.

Its snout out flares and sparks of fire escape. Of his nostrils goeth smoke as fire caldron ... "
(Job 41, 9-20)

"Again I raised my eyes and looked, and behold, four chariots out from between two mountains, and mountains were mountains of bronze.

In the first chariot were red horses in the second chariot black horses in the third chariot white horses, and the fourth car for gray horse. "(Zechariah 6, 1-3)


L a serpent or dragon Leviathan reminds us of the feathered serpent Kukulcan, their presence causes fear, its structure is like a double shell (metal), its flanks or loins are like shields (small vessels in the form of polished disks).

Mothership is the typical elongated cylinder shape.

And in this passage as the following, again citing the sighting of ships of different colors holding or leaving a mother ship.

"Meanwhile, the Lord had prepared a great fish to swallow Jonah. Jonah spent three days and three nights inside the fish. "(Jonah 1: 17)


We are facing a case of "Osni" (unidentified submarine object).

Jonah did not want to ignore, reject the request of the Lord to go to Nineveh to preach the conversion of the people, and trying to flee from Yahweh, is swallowed by a ship flying range has both in heaven and in motion water.

And for three days trying to convince him that he (the human being represented in Jonah), which develop their own change, through surrender and resignation.

There are times when compared with other actions, is that aliens become very scrupulous in their interventions, not wanting to create dependency, nor detract from the man (is that different attitudes are different?).

But they keep pushing.

If it was a whale or sperm whale which swallowed the prophet, the gastric juices of the animal had been killed.

"For the Lord comes in the midst of fire, their cars look like a whirlwind to download the fierceness of his anger and the burning flames of his punishment."
(Isaiah 66, 15)

"Then I saw that the north had been a whirlwind, leaving a large cloud of fire and lightning, and around him there was a strong glare.

In the midst of the fire shone like burnished metal thing, and in the center had something like four human-like beings.

Each had four faces and four wings (...)

The appearance of the creatures was like burning coals, or something like torches coming and going among them, the fire was bright (...)

I looked and saw those things on the ground next to each one of them had a wheel. The four wheels were equal, and the way they were made, shone like topaz.

It seemed as if each wheel within a wheel (...) had over their heads was a kind of vault, bright as crystal (...)

Above the vault I saw something that looked like a throne of sapphire and that sort of throne was someone who looked like a man. "
(Ezekiel 1, 4-26)

"I am Raphael, one of the seven angels who attend and enter before the glory of the Lord.

Both were terrified and fell on their faces full of fear. But he said:

"Fear not, peace with you, praise God for all ages. When I was with you, was not with you by my side, but by the will of God. "
(Tobias 12, 15-18)

"I saw down from heaven, another mighty angel robed in a cloud with a rainbow over his head ..."( Revelation 10.1)

"And they heard a loud voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither.

They went up to heaven in a cloud, and their enemies beheld them. "(Revelation 11.12)


Linking angels with clouds, lights, glare and heat coming to intimidate enemies as we have seen, has been repeated as a constant throughout the Bible.
But here we find passages that warn the return of the ships, but as more radical action or a direct contact.

The vision of Ezekiel, a priest in exile in Babylon, by the river Chebar, was the scientist Joseph Blumrich (consultant to NASA spacecraft design) to design, how it must have been the ship that looked at the prophet.

And the funny thing is that a ship similar to the model made by scientist, type the command module, was seen shortly afterwards (1980), flying over the area in Mexico Cocoyoc

Overseeing the offspring

 "In Zorah, of the tribe of Dan, a man whose name was Manoah. His wife never had children because she was barren.

But the angel of the Lord appeared to her and said, "You've never been able to have children but now you get pregnant and have a child."
(Judges 13.2 to 3)

"... When the fire came from the altar, Manoah and his wife saw the angel of the Lord up to heaven in the midst of the flames."
(Judges 13:20)

"Yahweh visited, indeed, to Hannah, she conceived and bore three sons and two daughters." (I Samuel 2: 21)

"And an angel of the Lord standing on the right of the altar of incense, it was seen. Zechariah was startled to see, and fear overcame him.

But the angel said "Fear not, Zacharias, for your prayer has been heard, and your wife Elizabeth will have given you a son, whom you call his name John" ...
(Luke 1.11-13)

"In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee named Nazareth was, to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David, and the maiden name was Mary. ( ...)

Look, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son she will name him Jesus.

He will be great, be called the Son of the Most High, the Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and his kingdom will never end.

Mary asked the angel: - How can this be, seeing I know not man?.

The angel replied: 'The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will come under its shadow so what will be born will be called holy, the Son of God. "
(Luke 1: 26-35)


From Abraham his descendants was contacted, operated, supervised, and even redirected over and over again.

We find in the course of history of Israel as impossible as many conceptions: the birth of Isaac, Esau and Jacob, Joseph and Benjamin, Samson, Samuel, Mary the Virgin, John the Baptist and even Jesus himself.

If the intention was to maintain the original genetic program, had to make great efforts, because despite being warned not to mix the blood, there was always a mixture of the Israelites with the neighboring towns.

The same Abraham his first son took Hagar the Egyptian servant, Moses was married Zipporah, a Midianite (between Arab and Egyptian) with whom he had children, the wife of Joseph, viceroy of Egypt, was an Egyptian and had children with her; There are as many other examples.

But the purpose of such a program aimed at creating the conditions for the end of a long process Jesus was born.

The birth of the Messiah

"Precisely in that country there were shepherds camping out in the open at night to save his flock, and an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the splendor of the Lord shone around light, and they feared with a great fear.

But the angel said unto them, Fear not therefore give you good news of great joy which shall be to all people: to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.

And you have this sign: you will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.

And suddenly with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying: - Glory to God in the highest! And on earth peace among men of good will.

And it happened that when the angels were separated from them to heaven, the shepherds said to one another: 'Come on, we go to Bethlehem and see this event which the Lord made known to us. "
(Luke 2, 8-15)


The birth of Jesus was a momentous event in his simplicity and humility, which involved both the simplest people of that time, as were the shepherds, as well as high celestial hierarchies (aliens).

Remember this important symbol, as Abraham and his descendants were originally shepherds, selected by aliens and Jesus continually repeats the figure of the "Good Shepherd", who maintains contact with angels.

The fact that today we can connect many of the apparitions of angels with beings from other worlds, does not deny the actual existence of beings from other dimensions, or true angels who did not have a physical embodiment, and is also manifest.

The UFO of Bethlehem

 "... Went on the road (the Magi), and suddenly the star they had seen in the East went before them until, came and stood over where the child was.

When they saw the star felt great joy. "
(Matthew 2: 9-10)


The star of Bethlehem that guided the wise Chaldean astronomers and astrologers had not normal behavior.

It could not be a star that moved and even stopped, also was seen regardless of day and night, ruling that it was a comet, a planetary conjunction, or a celestial phenomenon.

We are faced with a typical UFO sighting in which there is even a purpose: direct signaling by these beings in a place and event, and that led the magi to the right spot, and even marked it with the game of his movements and parking.

Important Information

 "... There is nothing hidden that will not be uncovered, nothing hidden that will not be known."
(Matthew 10:26)

"In my father's house there are many places to live, if not, I would have said, I go to prepare a place".
(John 14, 2)

"I have other sheep not of this fold" ...
(John 10.16)


The Gospels warn that a time will be cleared up all mysteries and all the secrets conqueror, so that humanity will be living with another vision.

It also clearly states that there are other worlds that we have brothers there, which gives life a beautiful and wonderful comfort.

The Transfiguration on Mount Tabor

"After six days Jesus took Peter, James and John his brother, the single climbed a high mountain (Tabor).

And he was transfigured before them, and his face shone like the sun, and his clothes became white as light. And suddenly stopped seeing them Moses and Elijah, talking with him.

Then Peter answered and said to Jesus:

Sir, you better stay here, if you want, I can here three tabernacles: one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.

He was still speaking when suddenly a bright cloud. And suddenly sounded a voice from the cloud, saying:

'This is my beloved Son, which pleases me, Listen to him! "
(Matthew 17.1-5)


A new close encounter recalls the experiences of Exodus (the light and the cloud), but now the witnesses are three of the apostles, who see Jesus come into contact with two people who disappeared between eight and thirteen centuries before it carried out world.

From that moment became official that Jesus is the culminating work begun by these characters.

Ships involving Prophecies

 "Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her light, the stars fall from heaven, and the forces of heaven be shaken.

And then appear in the sky "signal" of the Son of man, and will see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

Send his angels with a trumpet sound, and will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end to the sky. "(Matthew 24, 29-31)

"There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars, and on earth will be prey to distress of nations, perplexed by the roar of the sea and the waves, while the men go mad with fear and anxiety about everything will come upon the world, as the forces of heaven be shaken.

And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. When this begins to happen, stands up and raise your heads because your redemption has arrived. "
(Luke 21, 25-28)


We know that the prophecies are always a warning of what can happen if we do not do anything about it.

But there are certain prophecies to the contrary, we must do our utmost to fulfill them.

In this sense we see that it speaks of a very bleak future outlook, which would be involving the return of Christ in the clouds or ships, accompanied by angels or aliens.

Is it that the increase of climate change and planetary as well as UFO sightings in the world is anticipating this defining moment?

Time will tell ...

What happened when Jesus died?

 "It was about the sixth hour when there was darkness all over the country until the ninth hour, while the sun.

And the curtain of the sanctuary was torn in half. Giving a voice said Jesus: "Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit" "
(Luke 23.44-46)


It has been much speculation regarding the alleged eclipse that accompanied the death of Rabbi of Galilee, unjustly crucified.

But what if it was something located so that only happened on that area? (As in the case of Fatima, where the "Sun Dance", a giant UFO that resembled the sun, was seen by over 70,000 people in a radius of 60 km)

Could it be that a large ship, located between the Sun and Earth at that time furnish its shadow over all of Jerusalem and its surroundings.

This is not surprising we should remember that ships have been detected up to 450 km in diameter flying the Chilean Patagonia.

The ship or cloud that gathered to Jesus

 "For his part, Lord Jesus, after he had spoken, was taken up into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God" ...
(Mark 16:19)

"The pulled out as far as Bethany, and lifting up his hands and blessed them.

And it happened that, while he blessed them, he parted from them and was taken to heaven. And worship them after, they returned to Jerusalem with great joy "...
(Luke 24.50-52)

"And after that it rose as they watched, and picked up a cloud hiding their eyes.

And as they were gazing into heaven as he went, they had suddenly two men in white robes, who said:

-Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven?

This Jesus risen from you into heaven, and will have seen him go into heaven ".
(Acts 1:9-11)


The apostles were witnesses of the rise in physical form (regenerated with the resurrection) of the person of Jesus to a cloud (spaceship), and immediately contacted some of the crew of that or another device (the two angels)

What John saw in Patmos

 "I turned to see the voice that spoke with me.

And when I turned I saw seven golden lampstands, and among the lampstands someone like a son of man, clothed in long robes and girt with a belt of gold to his chest, his head and hair white as white wool as snow, his eyes are like blazing fire, his feet like unto fine brass, as in the forge, glowing, his voice like the roar of oceans, had in his right hand seven stars, from his mouth came a sharp sword two edges, and its appearance was like the sun shining in its strength. "
(Revelation 1.12 to 16)

"The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden lampstands: The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, seven lampstands are the seven churches."
(Rev. 1, 20)

"After that, I saw a door standing open in heaven, and the first voice I had heard, as of a trumpet talking with me, was saying:

-Come up here, I will show you have to come after this.

Then into ecstasy: it turns out that was set in heaven with someone sitting upon a throne, and he that sat was to look like jasper and carnelian, and around the throne was a halo look like an emerald.

Around the throne, twenty-four thrones, and seated on the thrones twenty-four elders dressed in white robes before the throne (...) and there was a sea transparent, like glass. "
(Revelation 4: 1-6)


John the beloved disciple, was deported by the Roman Emperor Diomiciano to the small island of Patmos, in the Turkish coast around the year 94 of the Christian era.

There, the sole survivor of the twelve apostles, had only a vision, saw a tremendous close encounter, first of the third type (see the crew) and then transferred to the fourth type, entering that reality through an interdimensional gate (Xendra).

When we report on the seven angels of the seven Christian communities (churches), we were explaining that it was assigned to be extraplanetary each of these communities to guide them and protect them, as often occurs today with contact groups extraterrestrials.

I say this, but these must want to compare the movement to contact a religion.

I think there are enough religions on the face of the Earth to invent a new, much less in the light of beings to be material. are no better than us, and they also have much to learn.

In his experience, John the Evangelist is brought before the Council itself of the elders, or government of our galaxy, where he is instructed and warned of what might happen and how much has happened in our world.

The intention always be alert to correct.

Since human beings on our planet has there been contact with other realities, and that contact does not have to end ever.

But only the best can be restored with top positions, if re-establish contact, first with ourselves, nature, and then with others.

There's a cosmic plan, which has changed to the extent that humanity has matured and carving out their own future, but it also involves those other beings and dimensions, so come the time is definitely assume our responsibility and we face a deep knowledge of who we are, why we exist and where we go.

But the answer, like everything in life is within every one, at that .... another reality.

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