

Saturday, October 6, 2012

The TR3-B Astra

Is a large triangular anti-gravity craft within the U.S. fleet. 

Black projects defense industry insider Edgar Rothschild Fouche wrote about the existence of the TR3-B in his book, Alien Rapture.

The TR3-B is operational. ’Z’ had this to say about the TR3-B triangular antigravity craft.

TR3-B. This is the code name for what everyone on Earth has seen. 

It is a very large triangular-shaped re-entry vehicle with anti-gravity. 

It is what the November [2.000] issue of Popular Mechanics identified as the Lenticular Reentry Vehicle, a nuclear-powered flying saucer, the first version of which went operational in 1.962, [the version which Popular Mechanics illustrated.]

It was used in Gulf War’s early hours with electromagnetic-pulse/laser cannons. 

It literally sat mid-air, firing long-, medium-, short-range to take out antennas, towers, communications, air traffic control towers, TV dishes and centers, etc. 

For three hours, these three triangles [TR3-Bs] just sat there blowing up everything in sight.

Then the Stealth fighters had fun for the rest of the day into the early evening next night. 

Then [followed] carpet bombings from high altitude B-52 Strato-Fortresses. 

They dumped all the old, aged Vietnam-era crap [munitions]; a third blew up and the rest [were] duds. Anyways, the TR3B has been in testing since the ’60s. 

But it has only been perfected for the last 8 years [since 1.992].

It is a good remake of what Truman first saw, [the Roswell semi-circular craft]. 

It is compartmentalized, built by the Skunk Works (Lockheed-Martin’s classified plant at Palmdale, CA) and Boeing [Phantom Works, Seattle]. 

It is housed in Utah.

’Z’ was reminding of his earlier revelation that the U.S. Space Command has located its prime headquarters and antigravity space-launch fleet facility beneath King Mountain, the tallest mountain in the Wasatch Range east of Salt Lake City, Utah.

The TR3-A Pumpkinseed

The TR3-A Pumpkinseed is a superfast air vehicle.

The ’Pumpkinseed’ nickname is a reference to its thin oval airframe, whose contours resemble that seed.

It may be the craft identified as using pulse detonation technology for propulsion in a sub-hypersonic regime, and also uses antigravity technology for either mass-reduction or complementary field propulsion at higher speed levels.

As air breathers, these Pulse Detonation Wave Engines (PDWEs) could theoretically propel a hypersonic aircraft towards Mach 10 at an altitude in excess of 180,000 feet.

Used to power an trans-atmospheric vehicle, the same PDWEs might be capable of lifting the craft to the edge of space when switched to rocket mode.

Want to see more secret aircraft visit top secret airplanes.

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